Friday, October 20, 2023

Delta County Board of Commissioners Meeting 10/17/2023: Positive Change is a Good Thing

The information contained within this county meeting is interesting to say the least. You just have to watch this yourself. There is little point writing about it as things don't really change unless they change through necessity (I usually write things out in great detail but in this case it is counter productive). Sometimes we only change when there is no option. Its a problem when everyone is so sure they are correct and fails to understand alternative opinions or the big picture. I guess its the nature of modern politics and the one track minds that go with it. Change is usually most beneficial when we are proactive about it and foresee the need to focus on the greater good. There are lots of positive things going on in the county from grants to helping the homeless. There are some things people are questioning and for good reason. Just watch and formulate your own opinion on why positive change may not be as fast as people would like or hope for.  

As a county we will get through this. Hopefully that includes a net positive for all of us. Inclusively all of us. 😢

We can fly over Wisdom of the Geese or we can sail across Wisdom of Ants, but we have to do it together. If you can see the other side, you can bridge the gap.

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