Friday, October 27, 2023

Are There Ways to Improve Policing and Reduce Crime?

 Police reform is something that is unlikely to go away and there are lots of people interested in the topic from pro to anti policing (polarization of thought). People like me are always looking to find solutions and why we are very neutral and practical on such issues many others are not. Policing should not be a political issue but a problem to work on to enhance its functionality and maintain alliance to its central purpose. I have met many good police and a few bad ones in my life and one way or another we need them so lets work on coming up with good solutions. As insane as that sounds..... 

Questions often include:

1.) How do we make it easier to catch criminals to keep the streets safe?

2.) How do we ensure poor police are removed and good police promoted (baring reasonable mistakes)?

3.) How do we encourage young to join policing?

4.) How do we encourage proper staffing so we can give officers a break and help them manage the workload so as to reduce mistakes and encourage thoughtful solutions to issues?

5.) How do we ensure integrity throughout the whole system?

6.) How do we get the community involved in reporting crimes?

7.) How do we respect people's rights?

8.) Are there cultural influence that can change and could that come through diversity?

9.) Are there ways to create stronger internal controls and mechanisms?

10.) How do we find ways to support the heath and safety of officers as well as the health and safety of communities?

11.) Should there be stiffer penalties for retaliation both inside and outside departments for reporting wrong doing?

12.) How do we deal with the mentally ill? False police reports, violence, etc...

Policing is a service to the community and respecting/encouraging good cops is half of the battle. The other half is to improve the process and system so the best performance can come forward. We need to be serious and practical in this process. An eye on the bigger ball should be maintained. While politics often impacts decisions, we should move beyond that on both sides to find something that will function and encourage greater system development. The next time you see an officer thank them because letting them connect with others in a meaningful way creates greater perception on all sides of the perspective of what the role of policing should strive for. 

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