Tuesday, October 10, 2023

11,000+ Year Old Wild Boar Discovered: Sophisticated for the Age

 An ancient boar was discovered in Turkey and is seen as one, if not the oldest, in history. This is an interesting find because the skill in which it was created was profound. It gives insight into the people of the age and what was important to them (i.e. animals, food, art, etc.). You can read about that in 11,000-Year-Old Painted Statue of Wild Boar Unearthed at Gobekli Tepe

To me it is also an indication that people have technology and abilities in each age of development. People are so sure that what happens today is the only story of life. Its a limited perspective issue where only this time is bounded in rationale. I like archeology because it encourages us to learn broadly and deeply about our histories as a species and people.

(As a side note: This is also why I'm against hate, racism, bigotry, limiting dogmas and the protection thereof because from a scientific perspective it limits personal and societal growth. Different societies have their golden age where creativity flourishes and tells unique stories. Art is central to our existence and is often one of the rare few things left after thousands of years. We were always meant to learn from each other and from our histories. Renaissance happen by integrating new knowledge from different backgrounds to create something new. Hard sell sometimes but still for the most part universally true.). 

It is hard to tell people that time is fluent and while we feel so sure of what we know today and the world around us that things change. What has not changed is the act of passing knowledge from one generation to the next. Looking back at history tells us where people were at that time. You may see some images of the Wild Boar HERE

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