Friday, September 15, 2023

Why we Love the "Artsy Fartsy"?: Escanaba to Host Veteran Art (Its a Special Place!)

The Legend of Escanaba
Ok Artsy Fartsy people we got lots of art coming to the area! Go ponder the art, get a glass of wine a few blocks away, walk around downtown and buy something. Perhaps you want to eat supper or you would like to stroll through the park to soak in some fresh Great Lakes air and sunshine (The ocean has a smell and the Great Lakes have a smell.). Most important review the deep soulful art that comes from veterans and their adventurous lifestyles (Art from vets is likely going to be different when compared to art from college students based on vets unique experience alone.). While vet art is hosted in other places, this show is a unique blend of a high concentration of somewhat isolated, UP and our cousins Northern Wisconsin vets, who went and traveled the world. Their impressions are going to be different than other places and one can delve into the emotions and the outward artistic display of such emotions as they relate to symbolism of a background (Foundations of Creativity). In other words, these are not stick figures! They have deep meaning from the souls of our vets. So much so they are probably not aware either!

Here is the art show info,

 Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center in Iron Mountain is hosting an exhibit at the Bonifas Art Center Escanaba. MORE THAN A UNIFORM: Veterans Art Exhibit Planned In Escanaba

"The grand opening for the event is Thursday, Sept. 21, from 6:00 until 8:00 ET at the Bonifas Art Center, which is located at 700 1st Avenue South in Escanaba. The exhibit will be on display through November 2nd."

Art is one of those things we think society can discard in lieu of more profit making ventures (Money isn't the only thing in life.). However, art is woven into the nature of our species much like poetry or music. One might say that art is older then poetry and music but follow the same strain. When people delve into art they are actually tapping their subconscious to create something new and that is why it has regenerative purposes for wounded warriors (Learning to balance strength of physical abilities, and others, with the depth of connection to self is one of the higher forms of human development).

-Art can be used to help veterans through physical, social and emotional development for healing and life quality initiatives. The National Endowment for the Arts provides something called Creative Forces: Research that you may want to peruse and see some of the supportive research. It is unrelated from what I can tell from this initiative but still some great information that will give you a broad view of the art.

-Escanaba supports veterans. Not all cities are supporting their veterans as much as they should. Even locally we have recently took a big step in the direction of our vets. We enhance our funding and resources, we were working on Navy ships (underdeveloped ship building industry per market data) and we have gained a newer perspective on our warriors. 

-62% of veteran care are serviced outside Federal Health System leaving some of that rests on the support of our communities. Supporting Military Service Member and Veteran Well-Being Through the Arts

-Art is also good for Escanaba tourism.  2022 art industry was $43 billion. It would be nice to draw some of that here to our hotels, restaurants and other local businesses. 2022 Art Market Report

If you want to learn more about what is going on Visit Escanaba

Some other random stuff about vets. They have my support. 

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