Thursday, September 21, 2023

Why Institutional Integrity and Institutional Trust Are Important?

For those of you who know me, I have been a big supporter of integrity in our systems and have done my part in supporting that. Not all people believe the same way and while they should know better there is too much vested interest in the status que and/or one's own self interest. So change comes from aligning our beliefs and actions toward that which helps society and away from that which helps certain groups or people. 

Appropriate checks and balances can help but its the ability for each person to see their behavior in context of the greater good that makes a difference. Institutions must also have checks and balances to ensure that integrity. It is a choice many of us have to face and let me say that those who take the high road do not have an easy path. There is often not enough support or feedback loops to ensure the greater good takes precedence. 

However, for those of us who desire good things for our communities and our country don't loose faith. Slowly but surely people are beginning to realize that meaningful change is becoming ever more important to our nation's future. As with all things, there will be those who agree and those who don't really care (I guess there are also those who double down on corruption.). Yet that is precisely what makes one a good citizen and another a bad citizen. 

This is why I support protections for whistleblowers, those who stand against corruption, and those who have a higher moral conscious (Its that dirty word again!) Let me also add that personally I think anyone who is aware of corruption and fails to act on it when it is their duty to do so is culpable; at least theoretically.

You may be interested in a study on the personality of those who are more likely to engage in corruption. Does the Dark Triad of Personality Predict Corrupt Intention? The Mediating Role of Belief in Good Luck

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