Saturday, September 16, 2023

Why are People Feeling Unhappy About the Economy-Should we Blame the Delusion of Politics as Usual?


Representing two awe inspiring
 animal spirits in one. 
Dems and Repubs.
Rino-Dino perspective.
Great Beasts of Legend

If you read this article by the Guardian 'Does Wile E Coyote explain US voters’ gloom amid buoyant economy?' you will come to realize the difference between the parties and independents. Republicans view things one way and Democrats view it another way and as usual Independents are more critical thinkers and play it in the middle. 

Why? I have two quick to thought, not vetted, reasons why.....

1. Different types of conversations going on leading to different perceptions. Depending on the nature of politics some are going to feel bad or good depending on who is in charge and who is taking credit for the economy (When you really get down to it there are many factors of which each president contributes but doesn't own fully. However, some have had more influence then others depending on policy and its success in alignment of the economy to the market.). 

2. Inflation is still high. Because inflation is high I'm sure lots of people are feeling the pinch. Money is money and lots of Americans are living from pay check to pay check with high debt. For those of us in that situation I bet there will be some gloom with higher costs. Increasing wages and better spending habits can change things.

Consider the first reasons of different types of conversations and how that leads to a type of political delusion for both parties. Same economy but two different perspectives. This is the danger of hyper politics. The environment might be the same but the discussion derails the thought processes in a way that leads to skewed perceptions of the economy. That impacts behaviors and that can be dangerous if left too divergent for two long (i.e. two societies of thought which struggle with understanding they have only part of the solution. They would be much better if they saw things closer to eye to eye.). 

Democrats and Republicans do live in different worlds

Come on peeps, we know better then this!

What's my opinion? A few options. 1. Economy continues to grow with digital, manufacturing and geopolitical issues, 2. Economy tanks because its running too high. 3. It finds a homeostasis and gets stable 4.) Nothing happens and its all pretty normal. In other words, my opinion is based on what the market data provides. Its mixed but I have hopes for the rest of the year. It is not defined by the voice of others who have not fully examined the market either. Let us wait and see what happens.....animal spirits at work.....

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