Wednesday, September 20, 2023

What Makes Us American? (The Thought Experiment)

 Before I settle this out for the day let me say this.... What makes us American is the establishment of freedoms and the laws that protect those freedoms. In our thought experiment we chased down those with extremist leanings that had misused their authority and our institutions to further extremist views against minorities and others they do not feel should live freely in our nation. In this experiment they also have sympathizers and supporters and used those networks to further harm their countrymen/women and allowed some to enrich at the expense of others. Failure to correct means the ship is on the wrong course and a decade or so down the road we will come to understand that better without change.

The practical conclusion of the thought experiment: 

When people misuse their role and positions to harm our fellow Americans it is us as a community, as a nation and as a people to stand up and say "No". There are long term implications if we don't there are also those who do not believe in freedom like most of their fellow Americans. For those who violate our sacred oaths we should devise better mechanisms to hold such individuals to account. At a minimum we must correct that deficiency to ensure the highest moral conscious are protected from those who fail to guard their minds. Those that support extremism and/or misuse of authority for fascist type gains should be removed. 

Never violate our Freedom of Religion or Freedom of Speech. Some of us stay faithful and some of us sell out! Who are you?

The good news is...we learned a lot from this thought experiment and can put that to good use. Thanks for participating. 😬😲🤷💕💨

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