Sunday, September 17, 2023

Update on Hate (09/17/2023): The Struggle for Justice Continues-Challenging the Assumptions of Hate (Background Section)

Assumptions can be a dangerous thing. We judge and we act without thinking about the bigger picture of our roles. Whether we are just people walking in the street or taking on an official role we judge each other and we act on those judgements. Our very nature is to judge each other. However, when that judgement is false based on pre-existing bias it can lead people down all types of illogical rabbit holes. The very first assumptions and symbolic anchoring were distorted/inaccurate Bias and Strategic Thinking

For example, a group of people begin to target and dehumanize a family in their community because of racial and/or religious considerations. It escalated to a point that it became unsafe for the family and their children. The hate narrative appeared to be launched not only to enrich the initiators through intimidation, threats of violence, and humiliation but also to remove people they felt shouldn't be allowed in their community. It didn't matter if their genetic footprint was preset in the area for generations. The narrative spread like wildfire among multiple networks attracting the interest of hate sympathizers. Hate Crimes and Supremacist Sympathies.

*Let us be very clear here. This is fictitious  running story designed as a thought experiment only. It means that it is only for illustrative purposes on how we might understand extremism, Often these stories come to profound insight at their conclusion. Its a type of logical exploration of the dark side of human behavior and maybe a little insight into how to solve them.

A few possibilities to be broken down into categories of behaviors later.

The Background:

The background are those factors that might contribute to a wholesale justice system default. What we might find is that there were pre-existing factors that might be a stage for a catalyst of serious hate based behaviors. 

-Existing bigotries within a group.

-History of spreading rumors to damage people (dehumanization).

-Close social group that relies on a few personalities for validation.

-Incentives for money by engaging in bad behavior.

-Close connection and employment.

-History of highly manipulative behaviors.

-Extreme need to be liked. Possible narcissism feeding

-Mental health issues. 

-Available within networks of extremism leaning ideologies.

-Lack of objective investigations into wrong doing. 

-Relative inexperience in the local justice system with corruption and minorities. i.e. the inability to understand bias or detect bad behaviors. No way to hold them to account without outside intervention.

-History of people retaliating. Possible illegal surveillance that would be illegal for these purposes. 

-Social connections that cross different institutional boundaries.

-Possible weak internal controls. A need to reform the departments completely.

-Possible inexperience of department management. Too close association with some of these networks.

-Existing teams and/or close inner networks that work outside the law. 

-Weak state and federal oversite of hate crimes and police targeting. Failure to uphold the national laws when it comes to police corruption. 

-Lack of respect for the Constitution and Bill of Rights. A clearer sign of misalignment of behaviors and values.

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