Friday, September 22, 2023

The Veil of Ignorance When Thinking About Justice in a Just Society

 What is the concept of justice and a just society? I suppose it is different for different people and you are going to get perspectives across the board. Some would say justice is that which benefits themselves the most and some would say that justice is that which seeks to benefit society. Because of that difference in perspective some will use justice for themselves and some will use justice for others. 

However, that isn't the truest of the story. There are differences between justice and justice systems. One is the pure philosophical form and the other is the pale carbon copy with much of the self interest embedded within. The legal form will always be behind the pure form as an ideal.

Society in the general sense wants justice and creates institutions to be the providers of such justice. However, when some/many within those systems are working for self interest, or perhaps those who have access to influence the system think of justice in their self interest we have misalignment. 

Despite this divergence there are in some societies/local systems few ways to correct such systems because they have become closed loops. In turn a growing percentage of society becomes locked out from broad based opportunities and full use of such systems for a greater good. 

Even those who support its greater and broader purpose can become quickly silenced and targeted for their beliefs about the benefits of justice. Failure to support our professed values of liberty and justice for all creates a slope of trust decline. Its a misalignment that could be corrected if we believed in those greater purposes.

For example, if we float to some mythical third world nation and find that rogue elements are using the justice system to further extremist views and help enrich their friend networks then that would be a moral break in the spirit of justice (hypothetical example.). Yet, they will eventually lose.

What is your blueprint for a just society? Depends on who you ask.

P.S. if you are asking me if I think justice will prevail? Yes, but it will take some self-reflection of those who make the decisions over such things. In the long run there are no other options as society will seek to create pressure to correct. Game Theory and Selfish Lose. Its just a thought experiment.

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