Friday, September 29, 2023

The Theory of Complicit Bias in Justice-Human Capital Development

Complicit bias is an important one because it is not something we always see first hand but its impact can be big over the long run. Often we are dealing with issues in which we are misjudging people based on our own understanding of the world but are not truly able to see the world from an objective and data drive standpoint. As a nation we have many opportunities to fix these issues and develop our human capital. To that requires the will and the way. 

A study discussed in the NY Times indicates that bigotries against just Black Americans impacts personal income by $2.7 trillion NY Times Cost of Bigotries. That is a staggering number. Other reports indicate that the economic costs to the economy could be as much as 30 or 40% (optimistically but realistically). Citigroup conducted a study on just Black Americans and that was as much as $5 Trillion by 2025. That doesn't include other issues of disparity such as religious, gender or other ethnicities/races. 

To me, our courts must always act in ways that limit complicit bias to make sure our country is as strong as it could be. Consider Supreme Court and Civil Rights. The essential purpose of all systems is justice as based in our Constitution, Bill of Rights and other artifacts. Thus, ensuring we are supporting our economies and futures by protecting our civil liberties are essential. Its not politics, its life and science. 

(These are not my numbers but if true and if we just did the right thing every time I think it would have a big impact on not only institutional trust but also things like economic, political and social engagement.)

Hyper politics reduces that ability and robs everyone of our full potential. I believe the future lays in developing our human capital to create broad based development where no matter one's racial or religious backgrounds they can grab the reigns of personal development to contribute to our democracy and nation. Where mistakes are made we fix them, where wrong doing occurs we correct, and where we are unsure we learn. 

Inequality, rather than scarcity, is the cause of trouble.”—Confucius

Who says you can't learn from Eastern Philosophy? Empathy is a universal value and is a good thing to have when dealing with each other. It leads to higher performance overall as individuals and as a nation.


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