Monday, September 11, 2023

The Link Between Emotional Intelligence and Wisdom: A Few Important Sayings

Wisdom is something that many of us want to gain but most people never can gain. We keep thinking of the wise old man or woman who tells us about the nature of life. Perhaps we view them as ancient philosophers or the female shamans living on a mountainside (There probably is a reason why they live alone and that might be the ability to be self reflective.). I believe that every society has wise people who try and impart wisdom and that comes from personal development.

What I keep thinking about is what is wisdom and how does one get it?

 An interesting report on 'Two studies show a link between emotional intelligence and wisdom'  the report might be saying the same thing but to me the reason why emotional intelligence leads to wisdom is because you can take your time to think about things and make decisions that have the best outcomes.  If you are emotionally driven you are likely to make poor decisions by knee jerk reactions and not reflecting on the possibilities with a clear mind. 

"The researchers found that recognition of a changing world, self-transcendence, consideration of diverse perspectives, and search for compromise — all components of competency in emotionl management, a branch of emotional intelligence — are related to wise reasoning." (Steimer, 2021 para 2)


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