Thursday, September 21, 2023

Groups that Encourage Hate Among Other Groups (Language and Content Analysis)

Language can mean a lot and it can impact and influence group behavior. Whether we are discussing large groups or small groups they are going to have certain roles, norms and beliefs (Not to mention behavioral markers) Core groups will have deeply held values and they will encourage other to adapt those values. It makes no difference if your talking about good values or you are talking about poor values. When it comes to hate and those in official positions it creates problems. 

Consider Content Analysis

When we listen to the language of certain groups we come to find specific themes and behaviors that go along with those language choices. Language sets expectations on how to view others through improper anchoring (i.e. all Blacks are this way, all Muslims are this way, all Jews are that way, all White people are that way, etc.). As one analyzes, formally or informally, language use you can typically start to see how social association impacts the type of language and the expectations of such language. 

Move closer to the group and hate narrative and hate based behaviors rise in frequency and depth. Move away and hate narrative and hate based behaviors become weaker. It gives you a general direction of who is professing these corrupted and dangerous beliefs that put at risk others (Not to mention the key actors in influencing poor behaviors.). The same can be said on getting closer and increased incidents of violence, moving away and less violence.

Let us consider that you are dealing with an embedded hate group. They are spreading hate language to other people within their official and unofficial networks. For example, when we talk about rights of Americans they might roll their eyes. When you talk about rights of minority Americans they actively discount such rights and the people i.e. the dehumanization process that often leads to criminal violence, targeting, and other illegal behaviors. 

This could become particularly a big problem if other groups are taking clues from a central group and in turn making decisions based on an intentionally set hate narrative already mixed within a culture of corruption. Those who are on the receiving end of that hate become increasingly aware of how people view others and how they set expectations for others to violate these rights. If your not on the receiving end you probably don't care (i.e. lack of empathy as a sign of poor leadership skills and ideological emptiness).

The same process can be said for any type of group but in hate groups the narrative and chasing back the narrative to the core group of authority figures/influencers within that network becomes problematic. Even more so if there are not checks and balances on that behavior and misuse of authority. Accountability or justice becomes more difficult in systems that accept hate as an acceptable norm and normal course of action. 

The lesson here is that when people hate and profess inappropriate values in positions of authority we should consider stripping them of that authority. That becomes doubly so if they have been known to stalk, put people in harms way, and commit violations of the law. To fail to do that means we have come complacent in those values and/or agree with them in some way. You can see that in some division among people that has been artificially created by self-interested others.

Failure to remove or punish such behavior is a sign of bigger problems not only for American minorities but also for the institution itself. i.e. lack of accountability. This is also why minorities have almost no protection against behaviors that would have likely landed people in prison in other places. As societal demographics change the perceived "icky" people want more accountability and fairness. That could also mean that everything this group does has likely been tainted and falsified. Its a bigger problem then just a few rogue elements that broke trust and sold out their American values.

If you are confused by what those values should be see Pledge of Allegiance. Please feel free to file a report on those who are not following that pledge.

Lets turn the page.....

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