Friday, September 22, 2023

Government Shutdowns and Risks of Not Finding a Shared Budget Path

Typically it is much better to get things done then to risk unknowns such as shutdowns. While the projections are that a shutdown would not be overly destructive I think its a gamble. While unknowns can sometimes bring good things they also present a risk. Few know for sure what will actually happen.

The wisest way is for people to truly understand the need to reduce the deficit and then taking those actions that are reasonable to find the balance. Its about moving in the right direction and not necessarily screeching everything to a halt. 

Because of a contentious political environment, a shut down presents bigger unknowns beyond temporarily closing a few offices and services. Choke the gas too much and you might be able to restart the system as easily as one would have thought.  

Cost of Government Shutdown

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