Thursday, September 21, 2023

General Mark Milley Retiring: He should stick around and share his knowledge.

There are few people out there that have particular character and the ability to navigate hard situations. The military is a great place to grow talent. It creates good people and gives people a greater purpose. I think he did a lot for the country and the institution and hopefully his knowledge and lessons won't be lost to the next generation of military-civilian leaders. We should learn from such skill sets and put that knowledge to good use.

The military was always a great place to develop talent and ability. Its one of its finest attributes and has a great purpose in society. Personally, I think the military is prime spot for growth for our young who are motivated and want pathways to success. It provides opportunities that would not have been there otherwise. Most of the military people I have met in my life were good and noble characters. 

If your interested in joining I'm sure there is room for interested young men and women.

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