Thursday, September 28, 2023

Ethical or Unethical?: Attorney for Governor Whitmer Kidnap Plot Becomes Delta County Legal Counsel 3-2 Vote

An interesting article came out that I thought was very thought provoking and perhaps one of the best articles I have read on the situation. To be honest, there is a tie between The Marquette Mining Journal and the Daily Press as the world's two best papers (Follow closely by Bloomberg, NY Times, The Onion, and so on and so forth.). The article 'Delta County Board reverses attorney decision ' was not only thought provoking but brought up a lot of other concepts and ideas that seem to relate to other questionable behaviors. 

As you read this article just keep in mind that nothing is true until it has been shown to be true. At present, they are possibilities and just food for thought but not necessarily fact. Each American is entitled to fair treatment. So while some may suspect something is the case we don't actually know until a thorough review has been conducted.


Allegorical Portrait of Dante
Agnolo Bronzino -1532/1533
Dante's Divine Comedy
Representing a gaze into purgatory
and a protective hand over Florence.
Perhaps Escanaba's Renaissance? 

Its an interesting situation because there have been a number of complaints by a significant percentage of community members that something doesn't quite seem right. Some have argued there needs to be a full investigation into who is representing whom, any potential services render prior to the decisions to vote, and some other issues in the area related to Constitutional violations that may potentially be more serious that need attention and care.  One option if people feel something isn't right with the deal consider a State Ethics Complaint.

Ethical or unethical one cannot say but on the surface it appears that perhaps it needs a thorough review to ensure everything is being done according to the best wishes of the community. As one digs through the data and looks at multiple locations and places as many community members have done, they have uncovered questions and behaviors they don't have direct and clear answers. Make no assumptions and question everything. However, exploring ideas is beneficial for general understanding.


There have been some indication of investigations going on and one must wonder where those may lead. Because we don't yet know we can say that raising concerns and reporting them appropriately can help in developing greater understanding. Understanding is the key issue because people must research ideas and concepts for themselves and come to the most plausible conclusion. Investigations, whether they are official by state agencies that use taxpayer money to do that as part of their role, or through collective effort in which private citizens question still has a positive long term benefit and outcome. 

Default in Thinking:

Failure to investigate legitimate concerns objectively would be a serious default in our thinking as a nation as a people. I have faith a greater good can come out of this and eventually the truth will be told in a way that helps us all (Its all good karma.) No matter what that ends up being. Republican or Democrat this looks like something that doesn't appear to represent the full wishes of the community stakeholders and more or less has been stated to benefit a smaller group of well connected individuals and their ideological and financial interests. 

Rolling Questions:

Two questions that roll around in my and other's head are, "There are plenty of attorneys out there, why this one?" "What isn't being told and what isn't known by the public yet? Some have argued this attorney doesn't represent the county's needs at all and should have never been part of our county discussions. A few brought up a concern that it is designed to protect a "Good Old Boy" network. The legal services should have been left with the prosecutor and/or an attorney with more municipal experience. It appears the decision was hasty and rushed for some reason but what that reason is as of yet is still unknown.

Lots of Free Things:

According to the article below it appears that there was a free legal review of the annexation that was rebuffed by members of the community. You know what else is free? Feel free to watch all the videos from day one where complaints of alleged retaliation for raising concerns led to firing of the county administrator. Consider freely other related or unrelated complaints that could lead to context. You can watch a snowball effect of issues began and grew as more and more people got wrapped into the issues; prior to the firing and after. Trust levels of this administration seem to be relatively low for one reasons or another.

That does or does not mean anything illegal happened, or is happening, but it does mean that there is enough smoke that an outside review would be helpful in putting the community's concerns to rest and protect faith in our justice system. The only thing I can say is that it looks very peculiar to people who have a stake in transparent and open government that represents all of our community needs and best protects our future as a people. Also, for those who felt their sense of safety has been violated, the need to stand together is a must to protect our American principles of life and liberty through peaceful dialogue. Notice a community is coming together in a healthy and peaceful way.

Single, Indivisible and Freedom:

A single indivisible and united people/community standing for their democracy is a noble thing! You are now part of the process of encouraging better governance and fiscal management that makes sure money is used wisely. Simply just watching and understanding what the community and agency stakeholders are doing helps one understand how these issues are being handled in other places and locations. Its a learning experience for those who want to see the essence of these issues and who is supporting good governance. DC YouTube Videos.

While some may and some may not be related to this situation, there have been complaints that people have been intimidated for exercising their rights, having the wrong religion, or challenging misuse of authority, because they sought to protect themselves and thwart the misuse of these networks and associated poor values to enrich "one's own".  Democrat, Republican or Independent, it is important to step back and look at the big picture and ask yourself, "No matter what party I belong, how do I envision good governance and the American way?"

This is not a party issue, this is an American issue. We got work to do as a people to make sure the spirit of the laws isn't misguided by false ideology and to ensure justice ultimately prevails. 

Steps for Community:

It appears for now the public will  continue to file complaints and information with the state and federal authorities to share their concerns that something isn't adding up well. (I think that is the way your still supposed to do that.). Reporting and giving authorities data is absolutely critical to ferret out the implications of choices and behaviors. Never lower yourself to poorer behaviors and whatever happens in the future never become what we know isn't right, just, or moral. Don't mirror back poor behavior but do mirror back the truth that a lack of self-reflection has caused.

A Little Prayer for the Faithful:

I hope and pray, based on actual religious and spiritual beliefs, not the lopsided fake ones some have professed, that good will and the light of liberty shall overcome the creeping shadows of darkness and the backsliding of our democracy. "There is but just one just use of power, and it is to serve the people. Help us to remember it, Lord." Reagan Prayer for America.

The Background and Articles:

Delta County selects attorney that represented kidnapper plot against the MI. Governor. Considering there have been discussions of militias and complaints of targeting's and corruption in the area, what will happen next? One never knows because it depends on which place we are in history and our understanding of the essential purpose of our nation. Some are seriously struggling with understanding that and you can tell that through blind support for values we all might not share. 

A few contextual articles related to what the article in the Marquette Journal stated.

U.S. Attorney's Office Kaleb Franks

Do you have your own opinion and what do you think of the situation? There is no right or wrong answer yet but just a way of understanding one's world and environment. 

Turn the page......

P.S. These are not facts but concerns. However, these are things others have professed. What would be nice to see is the community come together, create transparent government, and build a city/area that attracts investment and opportunities in a way that improves quality of life. There have been great movements in this area with over $1.2 billion in investment, new hotels, improved internet, airport development, ship building (still underdeveloped) and lots of other great things. Our politicians and leaders should be focusing on improving the lives and health of our community/nation through supporting a healthy democracy versus rolling around in the mud in immature and underdeveloped ideologies.  Just saying! 

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