Friday, September 29, 2023

Elon Musk Visits Border To See Unfiltered Immigration

 Elon Musk visits boarder to see immigration first hand. Let me say this nation is built off immigration and I likewise recognize the need for a stronger immigration system to bring fresh labor. However, I do not necessarily believe it is in the best interest of immigrants or the U.S. to have completely porous boarders. So closing one loop of illegal crossings but offering opportunities to immigrate and achieve the American dream are beneficial. 

Let me say that the type of immigrants that are most helpful to our economy are good hardworking people who are willing to follow the laws, contribute to their communities, and build a good life. Those are people who want to get ahead, will pay taxes and quickly learn new skills. In a generation or two their children will become doctors, lawyers, scientists, factory workers, civil service workers and more. 

David Gilmour Blythe
Strong immigration processes and 
procedures can create 
opportunities by helping immigrants
and the American economy.
Immigration Debate Continues
The open boarder is a little like a beacon because people know if they come they have a high chance of coming across successfully and staying. The wall would be helpful in this situation because it puts a dead stop to the situation and people know that just coming to the boarder isn't going to get them across. They would be forced to go through a vetting process first.

However, following the rules and immigrating directly from their home country will limit the risks to both the immigrants and their dangerous travel. Remember that there are really good people and not so people all coming across together. When they get here they do not necessarily always pay taxes or contribute because they become part of the shadow market through necessity. 

In a weird way I would also think that Mexico would be appreciative of not having to find ways of managing the boarder issue because the influx will likely decline. No easy solutions but for the most part I can sort of get his main points and in general agree with essence of the message. Sounds like he is seeking to move into politics at some point. 

Lots of good politicians, and some not so good ones, on both sides of the political aisle. (Personally I think we should make them all sit together in work groups and reduce some of the political tension so as to solve problems without the blinding ideological goggles.). This is a problem that is not impossible to fix but might require bright minds that can focus on practical solutions that both parties can compromise on.

Consider Monthly Encounter with Migrants

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