Monday, September 25, 2023

Does Your Organization Have The Right Personalities For Its Purpose? (Creative and Managerial Types)

Does your organization have the right personalities for its purpose? Organizations often try and balance between entrepreneurial creative types and managerial types. The personality of employees is highly important for the type of business one seeks to create. Knowing the difference is also important not only for organizations but also nations. New business need creative people to keep it nimble and enough managerial types to help it be structured. Know who you are hiring and what the mix should between the two types of people.

A word to the wise, be careful because managerial types are often rewarded over creative types and companies risk stagnation and eventual death. Capitalism can fix the macro aspects of this error in human judgement by ensuring plenty of opportunities to start business and rewarding creative activities that lead to innovation. Fostering creative types and managerial types are a human capital management issue but if you are unaware, you are unable to manage well. You are now aware!

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