Monday, September 11, 2023

Delta County Michigan Commissioners Meeting (09/05/2023): Trash, Budgets and Bonuses!

There was a lot to this meeting and county business is still going forward and getting things done even while other issues are arising. There is a significant investment of dollars needed in solid waste landfill management to ensure we are managing trash well. You can watch the video and see the debate between trash that is shared by counties versus going it alone. There are cost differences. As one hedges with others they lose control over management but do gain economies of scale. That is the trade off. Sometimes its just best to partner with others on projects unless one can find a better and more cost effective way to deal with it.

-Just FYI. The EPA says, "2018 was 292.4 million tons (U.S. short tons, unless specified) or 4.9 pounds per person per day.)"  National Overview: Facts and Figures on Materials, Wastes and Recycling

There was also some discussion on grants and the terms of easements. Apparently it was an issue of public access that was blocked by a gate and someone mentioned handshake deals that motivated citizens felt concerned about. There was also some issue of some monies that allocated to employees of a company/entity managing the parks that others indicated the company/entity weren't entitled to it (per the video). 

Furthermore, I believe there was a referral to the State Attorney General's Office. So we will just have to see what happens with that.

Remember, that doesn't mean anyone did anything wrong. Sometimes things happen, and sometimes people make mistakes from lack of knowledge. What happened hasn't been officially determined but the allegation was made with some professed support. Bringing to light concerns is helpful, investigating reveals new insight, and in turn being wise about all things leads to positive outcomes.  

A Few Notes:

-Solid waste landfill recycle and composting operations. EGLE is working with Qpad to create a multi county landfill. egle/mmp. Cost concerns were brought up.

-Concerns on time length of meetings and those who violate general civility. They are talking about the last meeting. I'm not sure specifically what they are talking about but there have been some discontent by local residents and some flare ups. I will have to look at what they mean. County meeting or committee meeting? Towards the end I guess if this is the same one. 08/15/2023 Delta County Michigan Commissioner Meeting

-Grants and other issues are relied on balance funding. Its just an observation. However, in the long run I think the county should seek ways to generate revenue. I guess if we think about it, we might find ways the county can raise revenue.

-State of Michigan has some discussion on Solid Waste Programs

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