Friday, September 22, 2023

DC Board of Commissioners Meeting 9/19/2023: Stalkers, Talkers and Baulkers! (Good Governance is a Requirement)

Rarely do you get a chance to see democracy in action where a community has come forward in such a way as to encourage stronger governance through people working together and solving problems. While it seems chaotic, and democracy sometimes is, we do have a commitment to our community and to our people. Civic dialogue is part of the process of allowing people to bring forward their concerns, issues, praise, and collective efforts to improve on the good work that others have done.

A Civil Society Declaration of Democratic Principles!

Supporting Vets:

The good news in this meeting is a great commitment to our veterans. We have had issues in the past of not supporting our veterans and funding issues. Our veterans are important and some people have been intentionally neglecting and/or mistreating them. Its important because these people served us and we should serve them again. We Honor our Veterans!

Civic Participation:

Another good argument is that you have a lot of people very interested in government and in general it is much higher then you would find in other places. Everyone is talking about these videos, some have said they starting watching the subcommittees. That is great! A few of these meetings have reached percentages of government participation much higher then you would have found in other locations. Core Principles of Community Engagement.

Rules of Meetings

No clapping! Its against the rules!

Bringing Forward Concerns:

A concern over monies, bonuses, notarization and land grants. According to the video there was missing money and there were issues of notarization. The mention is about notarization, State Attorney, and open and transparent government. The concern was while waiting for direction from the state some amendments were filed.  

Someone brought up a concern on stalking, similarities of attorneys, and a few other issues. I'm wondering if this is related to some earlier concerns of people saying they have been followed home. I'm not sure that addresses all of the issues yet but its a start.

Poem: The Dangers of Stalkers, Talkers and Baulkers

Its a creepy thing to be one of the stalkers,

In the tinted car they might not be just talkers,

People's sense of safety is a serious affair so lets not be baulkers!

(Yes I know its not very good.)

Stalking is a dangerous affair and I believe its important to hold people to account when they are trying to commit harm or acts of intimidation for political, racial/religious, or other purposes. Good job State of MI of getting this guy! There are some other complaints in the area about targeting kids, intimidation, misuse of taxpayer equipment for personal/political uses, enriching friends, etc. There have been some freedom of religion and speech issues as well. Just FYI. This appeared to be a physical stalking but in the digital area we have to become concerned about Cyber Stalking as well. 

Freedom of Speech

Good quote on freedom of speech. Its important! The last thing we want to do is silence the public intentionally or unintentionally when they have complaints, concerns, or even praise. Being respectful is always important and the need to express oneself is fundamental to our nation. Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Religion

A few comments on Christians and good energy. You never know there might also be some Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Bahai, Native America tradition, etc. in the crowd as well. Good energy and prayer is awesome for people and its good for the community! So is positive civic engagement even if someone doesn't have a religion. Freedom of Religion

Let me close this out with. The old must teach the young why and how we are a free people. They are not just stories. I Fought for You

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