Wednesday, September 27, 2023

ChatGPT-ish Comes to CIA: Innovation and Celebrating 75 Years: "Behind the Seal"

Information is key in todays world and as the Digital Era grows and more and more information comes online it will be impossible for employees to sift through that like they once did in old library books by hand. Thus the modern world is now about algorithms and understanding information and making meaning out of that information. Its a lot of info streaming all the time 24/7. 

(Technology gives us data and categorizes it but the human must still make the decisions because people at this point in history can make greater connections and develop uniqueness in approaches. We change, we grow, our brains adapt, and in many cases we become more accurate through new neural connections and cognitive leaps. Computers can't do that yet, and hopefully, never! )

While people will still be the center of innovation for our branches, it is the tools that we use that will keep us advanced and competitive. Adaptation and change make a big difference in our national abilities. No more need for stick in mud approaches. Open AI is an advancement in the way in which data is handled and likely a more competitive version then what was offered prior. Artificial Intelligence at CIA.

Always keep in mind that tools are tools but people are central to any good organization. Just like our armed forces they need the highest human capital they can find. Its another career path for those who seek the adventure and importance of it all. A higher calling in life and duty to one's people. Some of the smartest people have joined the cause in keeping our country safe. 

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