Wednesday, September 27, 2023

A Few Random Thoughts on the Budget Impasse

A few random thoughts on current affairs as they relate to government budgeting. We need leaders that can compromise and focus on net positives and win-win situations that put OUR nation on solid financial footing at a time it is desperately needed. This is a very important point in history that could impact generations if we don't get it right. Few will stand up in hindsight and claim they made fatal error in judgement if things don't work out as planned. Be strategic and be proactive to put ourselves in the best place with the most options and choices.

Random thoughts....

1. Budget Management: Much more fiscal management is needed to ensure we are creating net positives in our budgets and using taxpayer money wisely. However, a shut down may not be the best way to do that because its risky and we are not dealing with a lawnmower where a change of a spark plug is all we need to restart our economy.

2. Boarder Wall: The Boarder Wall is becoming much more relevant. Its not against immigration but against unruly immigration. We have a process and we have to stop people from coming across so we can vet them properly. People must go through the proper channels because its humane for them and humane for us.

3. Federal Pay and Military: Stop gap measures to protect pay and the military are needed. My concern is that it may lower our military readiness and we don't need this right now. We shouldn't be doing this at this juncture because morale suffers and it has a real impact on the non-rich but also some of the most important members of society. In other words, rich people are making decisions over exceptional but average income families in a haphazard way.

4. Ukraine Funding: While we can't fund the war forever we should not stop funding it yet and should carve out some money. We might consider encouraging our allies to help out more in the process of funding. I'm not saying they are not doing their part but more help would be appreciated. I'm sure the people of Ukraine would bank the favor for the future.

5. Review of All Programs: We certainly could use a deep dive review of all Federal programs to ensure they are necessary and that they are helpful to create net positives in outcomes. Some social programs are likely very helpful and some may not be so helpful. A few counterproductive. Review, improve, become more efficient and make sure we are moving in a fiscally sound manner to get people financially independent and stable. i.e. human capital overhaul.

6. Drop All Ideologies: Whether one is Democrat, Republican, or other we need to end the hyper political rhetoric and do a better job at compromise. If we have leaders that can't do that that then we need better leaders that are willing to really step out of the box and find solutions. Regurgitating of party ideologies doesn't seem to do anyone any good.  Leaders should think for themselves.

Maybe these appeal to you or maybe these don't. You might come up with a few more ideas of your own. What would you like to see our leaders do? Feel free to make write or email your leaders and ask them to worry a little more about the longer term needs of the nation. Perhaps kind of a dumb thoughts. Feel free to discard. Ask me tomorrow and I might just change my mind. 🤷

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