Sunday, September 24, 2023

80% of Americans are Religious or Spiritual

Are you spiritual or religious? Most people are one, the other, or both. To me religious is specific and spiritual is broad. Both have their advantages. Religion gives one a sense of community, history, and guiding structure. Spirituality is more broad but doesn't come with the structural advantages or community support that religion offers. 

Your personality and environment will determine which has the most appeal to you.

Religion and spirituality gives one a sense of higher moral purpose. When the poo poo hits the fan, one can rely on those principles to give a sense of direction. As always, it is not enough to just say one is religious or spiritual but then drop those principles when they are needed for higher moral order thinking. The values should be deeper. The same for other philosophies of God.

In U.S., 47% Identify as Religious, 33% as Spiritual

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