Saturday, September 9, 2023

5.8% GDP Q3 2023 Projection Revision from Atlanta Federal Reserve

This is an interesting state of affairs as economic revisions are revised upward significantly. The Federal Reserve of Atlanta believes GDD will rise 5.8% up from the .3% originally projected by most economists in January and 1.8% in June of this year.

Its a possible influence of digital GDP, investments and realignment of the supply chain. However, further analysis will help to determine the key components. There are likely confounding factors not originally measured by current economic statistics.

It very well could be an opportunity, maybe single opportunity, to push the system to master the new electric business environment and a shift to more manufacturing. GDP Now Atlanta Federal Reserve

Innovation and human capital will likely be the name of the game. 

Questions might be...

1. Why?

2. What is going to happen to inflation?

3. What would a new Post Covid homeostasis look like?

4. What is going on currently in the world economy (environmental scan)?

Source GDP Now

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