Sunday, August 6, 2023

Update on Hate 08/06/2023: Which Justice is More Important for Society (Clan or Essential)?

Jean-Marc Nattier
Representing the 
deeper history and benefit
of justice to

Hate has causes some interesting issues to rise and when given justification people begin to act on that hate as though it is expected through their social networks (I call it a clan because there appears to be a level of coordination among different people in various institutions and scenarios based around a shared identity). When such clan based systems rear their objectives to dominate the social, legal, and economic environments in tandem that is a concern especially when it is directed at individuals of different religions and races. It is important to stop at its root before it moves into the lower rungs of ethnic cleansing (Historians have researched these issues and found there were a number of precursors and general failures that occurred before such issues arose.). 

(Let us say that this is hypothetical and could never, ever, ever happen because if it did we would reject those concepts quickly and ensure that it stops. So these are just for learning opportunities alone. Don't speculate!)

Sometimes when people are affiliated they create ways in which they understand their environment and that may not always be accurate. Typically when toxic souls with possible mental health issues/aggression/manipulation are mixed with beta followers you create what is called flying monkeys where people act on a hate narrative (Little critical thinking but lots of acting). That narrative may have nothing to do with reality and is an outward projection of inner feelings that are spread among a group as extensions of this distortion

However, this can be the impact of such systems....

1. Economic Opportunities: Where poor decision making occurs we often find economic decline, restrictions against who can work where and what type of occupations are allowed for which classes of people. A little like the caste system we have seen in some nations. 

     a.) For example, restricting someone at a local college based not on their agreed upon abilities but simply by their religion, race, or social status in society. A way of saying those people are not allowed to work here or engage in these occupations. A type of racial/religious superiority woven into key decision makers of an organization. (In this situation the were allowed to do that even though it would be a major EEOC violation). 

    b.) We often see these behaviors occur in clans where top local positions are encouraged by clan members of a homogeneous and social background in a way that leads to unfair competition and general decline of functioning (i.e. lack of diversity and knowledge.).  As people become more restrictive in literature, television, radio, social networks, etc. they begin to decline in abilities weakening society (i.e. there is the idea side of things and also the genetic side of things. Inbreeding too closely, i.e. nobility in ancient Europe, leads to cognitive and physical decline. You can see a little of that in group behaviors.)

2.) Restrictions on Safety, Protection and the Laws: Laws are designed to create a level playing field and ensure that we can live protected against criminal behaviors. i.e. safety and economic development. When there is intermingling of law and hate ideologies it can have disastrous effects.

   a.) When laws are applied differently to different people it lowers institutional trust levels. Much of this depends on extent. Single incidents are dealt with as single incidents with an eye on improving the overall process to curb such future behaviors. If legal institutions are perverted by clan beliefs it is a deeper problem and may need a complete revamp of those areas impacted.

   b.) When laws become extension of clan enforcement rules and are applied in ways that are inconsistent with the writers/legislative body's intent. Normal laws don't always apply in those situations and then group disagreements rise through consistent disparities.

   c.) When clan and extremist leaning members are part of law enforcement you may find good officers leaving, policing gangs rise, and a general lack of justice across different areas and times (I'm a supporter of police 100% and want them to work in environments where they can fulfill their roles and be honored by the public. This is in their and the community's best interest. Its a hard sell when politics and clan based hate are present. Yet it is what it is and we pay for it so we want them to be the best they can be. We also want them to attract and retain the best people to fill their actual official roles to protect and serve all of us.)

  d.) Situations can rise where people become afraid to call for help because they are unsure of the quality, political, racial, religious association of the responding officer and their capacity to be fair and honest (This is why we have to be careful when extremism makes its way into public positions. )The same distortions of thinking in extremism are the same distortions of chronic bad choices. i.e. judging all things by one's own political or religious affiliation is not enlightenment. Its a self gratifying narrow lens that shows a lack of development. If all things seen as different and "evil" by extremist are lower, it provides justification for all types of internationally illegal behaviors. (We should never follow the lower values or the lower order thinker if we want to be a great people or nation.)

3.)  Social Considerations of Targeting, Rejection and Ostracizing: There are toxic souls out there that don't really care if they tell the truth or lie. They spread their distorted beliefs and values to anyone who is willing to listen. When they group is inbred in many ways, they loose a connection to logic and rational thinking. Where radicalism, racism and politics play in the same dark sandbox we bury our higher values.

   a.) The hate narrative forms through social circles that create greater risks/justification on minorities (In this case a family). To the glee of rumor starters, the more people buy into the narrative, the more validation they feel until anything is validated. While the essential data facts haven't change, the narrative puts an intentionally false spin on it. Character is still important in leadership positions. This is why its important for us as a people to really thing about why we are hiring into certain positions, their quality, and their willing to seek truth and higher "moral conscious". 

  b.) Misrepresenting the truth also creates victims of the elderly, children, and allows people to enrich off of those intentionally set rumors and hate narratives. The people who do this don't care about the elderly and sick people they have manipulated, the children they have harmed, or the damage they have caused (i.e. screaming out to children their father is a bitch, staring at them in public, showing aggression to them, and involving them in the hate narrative/sharing inappropriate dishonest information with them. Normally this is illegal but in clan based systems setting your boundaries to protect people leads to retaliation, potential violence, and further coordinated attempts to silence people and "teach lessons".) They used their hate narrative to enrich and so far that has been shown to be acceptable under the laws as applied locally (even if one were to check medical records and talk to others outside of the clan that may not agree that the rights of victims should be ignored in what appears to be good old boy clan protections that others in the community have talked about in a number of different public and private venues.)

  c.) People feel justified in being rude, judgy, condemning and spread more rumors with little to no clue that they were pawns and easy misled. Like high school children that never grew up, they relish in their destructiveness (I have learned that you smile and be polite because they are often trying to provoke conflict. Where corruption and extremism are involved that provocation could lead to justification for serious harm or even murder in worst case scenarios) If they actually understood what was happening they might be ashamed and upset with those who so easily misled them. There is physical age and mental age. You can read The Process of Self-Realization—From the Humanist Psychology Perspective, Understanding the Development of Self-Reflection, and States of Conscious Awareness-Internal and External

We should ask ourselves which justice is more important. Should clan justice or essential (deeper shared sense of justice) be most important to our future affairs? When we are unsure we might have situations like this.  In case your wondering. There are many forms of justice and in this case no matter the outcome I have learned about the nature of people, the deeper roots of hate and values, and feel the concept of justice should be preserved in society (It has nothing to do with punishment. I wish everyone the very best and hope we all learned and improved from the situation. We all need a little helping hand from time to time and situations push us to learn. Its like a helping hand.). Justice has already been served regardless of the level of wisdom of those who judge? (The moral side of the wisdom. I'm not taking a particular religious stance on it. Values from the philosophers of moral conscious can be applied often universally because they have an element of truth within them that span societies. From Greek to biblical to modern times we share very similar deeply root values as our ancestors. Essential justice is part of us as a species nudging us throughout history at different times and places to be better; as individuals and as a society. Sorry, went down a philosophical rabbit hole. 😬💨)

If you want to know my stance on things. I'm just more interested in understand things from a deeper level. Its a gifted curse I guess. Its kind of interesting story right? 😏

*These are fictious stories about how we should avoid extremism as a people and why its important to ensure integrity throughout our system. We can learn to support and rally around shared beliefs between two perspectives. If you step out far enough in your mental lens and use your systems thinking you can see how goals can be one in the same, it is only toxic personalities that restrict people from actually listening to each other. As the saying goes, "We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we can speak" Epictetus'"

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