Monday, August 28, 2023

The Global Tuna Industry Rises: No Tuna in the Great Lakes?

Tuna is not only a vital source of protein but is also in high demand at restaurants. The global tuna industry is projected to grow from $42.08 billion in 2023 to $51.25 billion by 2030 according to an article discussing the Tuna Fish Market size in Fortune Business Insights. 

Its not only the tuna industry that will grow but demand but likely all eligible food sources. This means we must protect as well as build our ecosystems to enhance our natural sources of food. I think of the Great Lakes as an ecosystem must be maintained and enhanced for the benefit of the region. 

(Ahhhh my dream of owning a part-time small commercial fishing boat to feed local stores is alive and well! It is one of those things that is more of a thought than a practical reality. That would be nice but not a show stopper. However, I love boats so getting a small commercial fishing boat wouldn't be the issue it would be the license. Once you have the product the customers and branding in this case would be easy.)

I suspect that in the near future we will find ways to start reversing the damaging footprint we created and recede some of the ecological impact to foster a rejuvenating environment.  That will put us on a much more sustainable path. You can read 'Escanaba Harbor, Great Lakes Fish Rejuvenation and Perpetual Sustainable Economies'

The Tuna Industry

The Wooded Pathway Gallery

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