Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Maslow Human Needs in the News: Self-Development to Economic Development

There is one thing that separates leading nations from following nations, market leading companies from market following ones, and the successful from the unsuccessful, and that is based  human development (environmental and personal). Whether you are thinking about the renaissance (ancient Italy or modern America), the most talented or innovative executives/employees, or just who can capitalize on opportunities it is based in human capital and human development. 

You can learn mor about the person who discovered the theory. Abraham Maslow 1908 - 1970 he was considered a genius in many ways because he moved beyond anchored understandings of self and culture. Peak Experiences.

The modern virtual global world will have the opportunity to draw talent from across the globe and some places will experience serious brain drain and shortages. Knowing how to develop this human capital to create the most advantageous paths possible is helpful in generating broad based human capital enhancements. 

Our inner urges are why many of us go to school, learn a new skill, actively engage in corporate training, or take on a new challenge. 

Are you creating the right environment in your organization? nation?

“The emotional reaction in the peak experience has a special flavour of wonder, of awe, of reverence, of humility and surrender before the experience as before something great”. — Abraham Maslow

What is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? A psychology theory, explained

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