Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Gen Z Last Majority White Population: Universalism of Human Capital

Cueva De Las Manos
Cave of Hands
Representing the many different kinds of
hands of a
community and of a nation.
One of the responsibilities we have is to encourage proactivity as much as possible to stay ahead of the competition and leave the nation in the best strategic place as possible. Organizational strength comes from shared goals and a broad sense of engagement in collective advancement. Diversity can be a human capital creator or it can be a detriment when non objective related differences come to the forefront (People who separate versus bring people together. In a business board room it would be the toxic one!). Each generation provides help and guidance to the next. We may have struggled with these issues in the past but this generation needs leadership on how to rally together. Such direction comes from thinking about each other as having the same overall best interest at a crucial time in American history.

Let us consider an article 'Gen Z will be last generation with white majority in US, study finds' I have been talking about this for some time because it is a touchy subjective but there really is only one broad healthy path forward for most people (I found something similar on Cultural Universalism). We should accept that demographics are changing and we need new approaches and ideas so that we can maximize the best and brightest of any background for themselves and the nation (At least is how I might think of it. There is no better or worse, or right or wrong, there just is a lot of Americans that would probably love to build the best nation they can. As soon as we give them a bi-partisan green light.)

Source: Brookings
Notice how the younger generations
are more diverse. That will
have cultural influence. 
You can read the study in 'New 2020 census data shows an aging America and wide racial gaps between generations'

A couple of questions you may ask are...

1.) As these demographics change will there be pressure to universalize our institutions and will that come with cultural type conflicts between the new and old (I'm thinking sociologically and science based.). How do we make that transition easier and less bumpy? You may extend to, Do political influencers have the responsibility to worry about the future to make the best decisions for long term outcomes?

2. How might we maximize an opportunity to really find a pathway to enhance the societal (economic and social) diversity to better harness that to spark new innovation, new economic engagement, and new sense of community? (i.e. the single conception of American.)

3. If you were hiring employees and/or managing a large organization how might ensuring people feel a sense of responsibility to each other and to the organization might help draw talent toward worthwhile organizational goals? Think of this from a practical need to draw in talent from different backgrounds.

*These are just things to think about. They are only partial opinions for the day but if you ask me tomorrow I might adjust my thoughts. Feel free to discard.

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