Thursday, August 10, 2023

Executive Order Addressing Investments in National Security Technologies

Technology and innovation is very important going into the Digital Era-Information Age. In many ways, it may come to define nations as haves and have nots. New discoveries often spark more discoveries that lead to economic growth and new knowledge pathways. Emerging technologies won't be acceptable to everyone. When such technology used in business starts to sift from U.S. companies into Chinese military products its naturally going to perk the interests of law makers. This executive order appears to seek to stop the spread of such technology (The U.S. has to increasingly become more innovative driven and while infrastructure helps it is human capital that creates the end game.)

Executive Order on Addressing United States Investments in Certain National Security Technologies and Products in Countries of Concern

This article makes me think of why I like clusters as a way to develop key products in an environment designed around achieving certain capacities. When advanced technological breakthroughs are discovered it may be beneficial to maintain a tight lid on that knowledge in one place until ready to be commercialized.

A DCModel thought experiment is one way thinking of ways of how to keep central knowledge closer to the participating companies thereby likely leading to less information leakage and albeit more cross industry fertilization prototypes. (DCModel is just an untested theory on economic innovation.).  'Biden Orders Ban on New Investments in China’s Sensitive High-Tech Industries' Wouldn't it be nicer to invest in a US based cluster?

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