Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Developing High Performing Organizations Through Diversity Maximization (Cluster Recruitment and Environment)

Source: HERE

Diversity can be a challenge but once mastered it can also take high performing human capital and make them exceptional and unmatched in the market. While many companies (nations) have highly skilled workers, and can develop more highly trained workers if needed, it is the diversity mixed with the right environment that leads to some of the highest performing teams. Innovation requires unique thoughts and ideas. An environment of openness to difference and diversity often creates open avenues of ideas and adaptations. In such environments, everyone must pull their full weight to maximize their unique contribution to solving ongoing problems. An environment of natural and fair competitive collaboration takes hold.

In my research on economic clusters, I desire to understand if an increase in rapid industry innovation can be improved by enhancing the essential rudimentary transactional aspects of a cluster. Through component building it may be possible to increase innovative activities 2-4X current innovative trajectory through focused industry co-development within a semi organically developed micro-economic environment (i.e. the components are implemented but they take root in their own unique way to blind to the cluster and improve the essential transitional micro adjustments that elude forced systems. DC MultiCluster and Transac Sub). Creating the right diverse growth environments is part of that process of idea sharing and exploring.

Diversity can create enriching organizational (i.e. company, nation, innovation cluster, etc.) environments that lead to improved team performance in key areas of innovation and management practices. New perspectives and new opinions helps teams adjust to master new talents and challenges. The same perspectives often lead to seeing the same problems in the same way and using similar tools in ineffective ways. When managed properly, diversity can lead to brainstorming new solutions through new insight from co collaborative development.

According to a study, 'Do Psychological Diversity Climate, HRM Practices, and Personality Traits (Big Five) Influence Multicultural Workforce Job Satisfaction and Performance?' it is possible to attract individuals with certain personality traits like agreeableness, emotional stability and extroversion to create multicultural environments (See Global Mindset).

This article explains that culturally diverse workforce job satisfaction predicts job performance. It suggests that managers and human resource professionals should develop psychological diversity climate among employees, upgrade HRM practices as per diversity needs, and attract individuals with certain personality traits such as agreeableness, emotional stability, and extroversions (Aldoghan & Bhatti & Juhari, 2019).

What the study points to is that it is possible to create open environments that are not only diverse but also enriched through advanced employee selection as well as general cultural enhancements. Thus, if someone sought to develop a global oriented business they may, depending on legal compliance of the locality, be able to attract personalities and enhance those personalities toward higher performance.

A general principle I might apply here is this...

Principle: The culture of an organization can have a big influence its ability to use diversity to enhance overall performance.

Principle: It is possible to select for those personality traits that can enhance an organizations mission through openness to people and ideas. 

 Aldoghan, M. & Bhatti, M. & Juhari, A. (2019). Do Psychological Diversity Climate, HRM Practices, and Personality Traits (Big Five) Influence Multicultural Workforce Job Satisfaction and Performance? Current Scenario, Literature Gap, and Future Research Directions. SAGE Open. 9. 215824401985157. 10.1177/2158244019851578.

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