Friday, August 18, 2023

Delta County Commissioners Meeting (August 15th, 2023): Business Continues, Electric, and Cornhole

The Effectives of Good Government
In the Countryside

Ambrogio Lorenzetti
This was an interesting meeting, maybe not as interesting as the others but still definitely worth viewing in general.  Discussions on contracts, utilities, concerns, and general county administrative management. There is a lot going on. Some of it is really great stuff, some of it a little less than great. 

That is the nature of governances. People disagree and then they find solutions to those disagreements. No matter what, normal business should go on. In this case, it looks like its beginning to resume.

What I find interesting is that business did get done and people seem to be working a little closer together in this meeting. Yes, there are concerns and there are unaddressed issues but the board has started conducting its state of affairs again. That is a good thing. 

I found two articles I think that might apply to most governmental bodies. Its not specific to here. Its just some stuff I found on good governance and its importance. Since we are sort of watching government in action, we should recognize opportunities for the county to capitalize on the market changes. Can they do it? Some good signs that they are outpacing comparable communities in the U.P. 

1. Government Effectiveness Indicator. They talk about countries but you can pick a few ideas out of there. 

2. Transforming Government in a New Era: What I like about this article is that it provides some "C's" and discusses shared visions. I think that applies here as well as most places. 

-Electric issue with where the disconnects are. I think it make sense to have everything located in the same spot for the fire departments. If firefighters are not sure if the power is off, which is something they disconnect right away, they could be cutting through walls and unwittingly into electric lines. 

-Discussion on easements and use of property. A few residents seem to have an issue with the easements.

-Concerns of not allowing to comment and lack of response via email.

-Cornhole! (I didn't know this but its a serious game.)

Agenda Items

August 15th, 2023 Delta county Agenda & Meeting Minutes. You may check out the other agendas and meetings HERE. There is also the YouTube channel HERE


1. Contract for County Administrator/Controller 

2. Approval for Administration to Request Opinions by Counsel 

3. Airport Manager Salary Package


1. Payment of Bills 

2. RFP for PTP Electric and Water 

3. Amendment to Easement- Cornell 

4. Resolution-Approve Magistrate Appointment of Samantha Henderson 

5. Credit Card Request for District Court- Steve Parks to Samantha Henderson 

6. S. Henderson Transfer- Request for Lump Sum Payout and to Fill Deputy Criminal Clerk Position 

7. Resignation of P. LaCosse, Request for Lump Sum Payout and to Fill Deputy Accounting Clerk Position 

8. Resolution- Addressing Ordinance/Policy 

9. Out of County Travel- UPACC 

10. Out of County Travel- MAC 

11. Have/Cancel the October 3rd Meeting 

12. Airport- Prein & Newhof Contract Book, Rehabilitate Airfield Pavements Crack Sealing and Remarking 

13. Rules of Procedure 

14. Parks Maintenance – Full Time 

17. Relocation of Utilities – Control Contract 

19. Relocation of Utilities – Disconnect 

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