Monday, August 14, 2023

Confidence In Military Declines: Its Important to Reverse the Trend

James Montgomery Flagg
The confidence in the US military is low and that creates a challenge. I have always found the military to be a great organization with a long history of protecting our borders and enhancing people's skills. While people may disagree how the military is used or internal-external focus, there is little wiggle room to say the military isn't important. It is very important today and we rely heavily on its deterrence power. Its time for solutions and that is something we all have stake in.

If we can agree that the military is important then we should try and enhance it. Some more obvious ideas include.....

1.) Innovate the technology and the suppliers.

2.) Partner with the business and academic community to raise recruitment.

3.) Develop skilled training that enhances general human capital during and after military service.

4.) Research and explore new marketing methods and channels. 

5.) A renewed sense of inclusive patriotism. A sense of importance and participation.

6.) Attract the best and brightest by job design and individualized development pathways.

7.) Many other ideas. Do you have one?

Confidence in U.S. Military Lowest in Over Two Decades

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