Thursday, July 20, 2023

Why Accountability is Related to System Health (Clan Based System Example)

 In any system there is an opportunity to do the right thing and an opportunity to do the wrong thing. When bad behaviors are obvious and there is no accountability for those behaviors we should not only scratch our heads but we should also become concerned. Assuming there is such a thing as a clan based system, we would need to have some level of artifacts of behaviors that would indicated normally unacceptable behaviors have become legitimized.  We may have to also highlight the difference between those within a homogenous clan and those outside the clan. The story is designed to help us think about how corruption can impact all of our lives and when mixed with extremist elements run counter to our national values. 

The story of accountability and system health......

When systems are heavily influenced by clan corruption, with a touch of homogeneous extremism, they run the risk of derailing our root values and freedoms as Americans. Chronic free passes would be one such issues where we may be able to find some artifacts of consistent choice making outcomes. I suspect one could say there would be either repeated free passes on smaller issues and/or a gross free pass that wouldn't be acceptable under most circumstances. Multiple measurements by multiple people in different situations and different times would likely indicated a shared experience by a number of people (Different times, locations, meetings, reports, complaints, etc.). That may also indicate intentionality and purpose if consistency of poor decisions. (Keep in mind that coordinated groups leave data trails and many upset people who may have been silent. There are always artifacts of good and bad behavior. You just need to know where to look.)

Let us bring up the hypothetical but likely impossible example (....because we know it would never ever ever happen!). Someone wants something, has close officer friends, was coached by those officers how to harm a minority, spreads dangerous rumors to encourage violence and aggression, environment becomes dangerous, the target is rejected from a part-time job even though they and the taxpayer funded organization stated the candidate was more than qualified (failing to fulfill their mission), the sick are manipulated, kids are targeted, some officials join the cause to cleans their community from "undesirables", and all because someone told them "no" and drew a line to protect their children from hate (The single parent had every right in a situation of disturbing and manipulative behaviors that were harmful. The kids were moved away and encouraged to cut all ties for safety.).  

(One could ask questions, interview, check medical records, social media, etc... but  that would require removing the clan from protection. Indications of immunity provided prior, during, and after rampage. Typically it is just short sigjtedly easier to provide 3/5 justice accustomed to 2nd class citizens unwritten rules. The easiest route is likely mandatory mental health for the perpetrators and reform of the local institutions to protect our fellow Americans. Yet, nothing matters outside the clan. Good thing its all a fictitious story!)

(Pretend for a moment you were one of the families targeted by hate. Imagine if you watch them stand for oaths and you feel a sick feeling in your stomach as to where their commitment actual lays beyond the social show of professing faithfulness to certain values. To them, we are not included in that indivisibility and singular concept. You know people and you have bled tears for those rights. Justice is a abstract and far away concept for politicians and academics to ponder. In some of our local institutions justice is a code word clan based lessons in full view of stakeholders who should have done something but didn't want to appear un"cool" to their fellow clan members.)

( If even a small percentage is true one would call this local dereliction and it is where we should double down on getting us all back on the same page and creating a shared national vision through integrity. These rogue clans in direct competition with the official rule of law should be thwarted. When they stand up to give lip service to their oaths in some ways you want to help them by politely asking them to sit back down in case someone discovers what is in their hearts and they get embarrassed. Empathetic people often look for consistencies in action, word, and paralanguage. They can also tell when your lying most of the time. Then it dawns on you that they don't get embarrassed about things like no need to say anything. You move on.... )

There are also official records that could be sought to double check if they left markers of bad behaviors there as well. One way to do this is to cross exam various demographics outputs to see which ones are statistically different then others. For example, one might look at skin color, religion, political affiliation, social networks (i.e. Good Friday targeting) etc. to have a clearer understanding if any of them seem to have preferential treatment in local laws. (Keep in might depending on the amount of cases it could be normal if a few cases skew the result. However, if these consistencies are over a few years then we may need to dig into cases further to see if there are other issues at play.)

We should notice that because prior heuristic and biased decisions were made there is an attempt to circumvent a correction. The stickiness of poor values is inappropriate and harmful and thus moves against the very nature of good governance. Where mistakes are made, the system must always be able to correct or it will run the risk of being seen as less than adequate to modern challenges, issues, and opportunities (i.e. low institutional trust.). As a nation we are struggling with low institutional trust and millions upon millions of people saying something similar and thus it is our next rung in national development. We don't want to see why that is the case and thus we have never corrected it. Someday more mature politicians will come forward to see with a new set of goggles. Its relatively easy to fix...but if you don't know then you don't know. Axis Mundi) We all should be free! (Even hypothetically!)

I looked around and found something on the Effects of Corruption published by the United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime. I thought it was sort of interesting how may different arenas corruption can take. You may also look at the DOJ's website on the different types of departments that fight against corruption Eastern Michigan (This is why I love police 100% and civil rights 110%). Sometimes behaviors can sort of bridge multiple areas and may need coordination. For example, in this example there might be two areas that it would appeal. Even when we are dealing with wild stories that could never be true, we can use them as learning tools to ensure they stay "never, ever true!" Sometimes the truth is shared on a much deeper level. Just saying.

*This is story is to help us learn about the essentials of freedom in modern times and the need to ensure we positively, politely and with diligence encourage greater moral and economic development of our nation and society.  

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