Saturday, July 22, 2023

Update on Hate 07/22/2023: Clans, Extremism and Lack of Accountability (I'm Proud of my Community)

The Education of Achilles by the Centaur Chiron
A.C. Chrétien 1861

Communities learn to support democracy
through positive, polite, and peaceful challenge.
In history stories are not facts,
they are socially constructed truths that
span from generation to generation.
We change as a species but our stories
carry the same themes.
No facts here, just truth.
Stories are sometimes needed to help get points across when there are difficulties understanding the bigger purpose of our nation and democracy. We do know that extremism is rising and can warp some of our local institutions and their missions. This is not unique to here and I believe there is an underbelly across our nation in different locations and places. Such extremism constitutes a long term threat to our communities and to our nation.

I think back in history to all of those people who fought for our freedoms, all the people that were once slaves, and how social segregation and hate still persist in some corners of our country. As a nation we are seeking to fulfill our mission as a free people and are in reach of greatness at a time where maximum engagement is needed by the broadest possible sector of society. 

The problem is that far right (or left) extremism persists and is allowed to persist in a way that backslides the momentum of our democracy's growth. Those who engaged in such behaviors are often protected, they are sometimes rewarded, and in turn create on going risks not only to the American people they harmed in the past but also to the American people they hope to harm in the future (i.e. patterned behaviors). 

We have to speak in hypotheticals because this is just a story. I have also learned that if your too truthful someone might just park a car outside your house or pull your kids over multiple times as a warning of who are actually in charge. Useless dribble to be thrown into the trash can with our Constitution along with the many souls that tried to maintain our freedoms. 

The hypothetical.....

Let us bring up the hypothetical but likely impossible example (....because we know it would never ever ever happen!). Someone wants something, has close officer friends, was coached by those officers how to harm a minority, spreads dangerous rumors to encourage violence and aggression, environment becomes dangerous, the target is rejected from a part-time job even though they and the taxpayer funded organization stated the candidate was more than qualified (failing to fulfill their mission), the sick are manipulated, kids are targeted, some officials join the cause to cleans their community from "undesirables", and all because someone told them "no" and drew a line to protect their children from hate (The single parent had every right in a situation of disturbing and manipulative behaviors that were harmful. The kids were moved away and encouraged to cut all ties for safety.).  

The local result with good and bad.......

The good news is that the local community is starting to see the extremism and how it is given a free pass at various levels and places. The bad news is that some of our politicians are more worried about politics then their country. Words like corruption, hate, mismanagement, and other such things are coming forward in various times and places with great detail (I know many Republicans, Democrats and Independents that are against extremism.). We are often too slow in responding but I'm very sure these complaints can't be ignored any longer (The good news).

The voicing of community concerns from various places is a testimony to their wonderful, accepting, and free loving people who take a positive step to support their democracy. I applaud their desire to keep the torch of freedom bright for the next generation. While many of them may have never served their country in the military or other public service, they are now serving their country by maintaining their freedoms and demanding good governance through positive and polite accountability. They are going after corruption and hate with everything they got. Hats off to them!

The bad is a little more ugly. It appears that no matter how bad things get, there are constant free passes on a local level. A type of protection which creates 2nd class citizens and distorts trust in some institutions. It is almost as though the clans influence on some of these local institutions is strong enough to warp their day-to-day functioning and decision making. There have been some serious complaints by various members of the community and little to no correction of such behaviors have been apparent. 

It appears the clan has created a type of immunity for their homogenous extremist leaning members. Intellectuals and people who disagree have complained publicly and in a documented form that they have been targeted (How much is true or fictitious remains to be seen). Many other issues and other concerns likely never made it to the surface because there has been an official places to gather, accept, and process those complaints in a safe and impartial manner (also why these bad behaviors continue). 

Because these are all hypothetical, and if they were even partially true, we would have corrected when they were first apparent, we have no worries. Of course everyone within the country, of every demographic, and political or religious persuasion agrees that everything is 100% perfect! (If that were not the case we would have already thought of ways to improve and begun the process of listening. Two ears and one mouth.). These things could never happen here and everyone always acts with integrity. We know this, so no need to question. If they did happen and there was no local correction, then I would say....

1.) Removing the protection of the clan, reforming what is broke, and mandatory mental health for those who caused the problem. 

2.) If these systems cannot self manage, as it has been 4.5 years in this hypothetical situation, but community complaints go back further, then they may need an official intervention on a state or federal level. 

*These stories are designed to help us learn about how extremism and hate can serious threaten the very soul of our nation and its future viability. Patriotism in todays world is to stand up to corruption, report it, and do so in a polite, constructive, and helpful manner so we can put them in the past to protect and pass off a healthy country ready to compete for our children and grand children's prosperity (as a single people, indivisible, liberty and just for all). or not? 🤷

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