Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Trying the Non-Gym Integrated Work Out

Today I lapped swam a lake for 
about 20-25 minutes. 
Beyond loving the water,
I also found a treasure of 3 golf balls.
Someone was hitting from the shore
Some of you know that I have a fitness trainers license and have a past playing a few sports. Personally, I liked mostly individual sports that I compete directly with others. I like team sports but prefer knowing that my failures and success are directly related to my performance. 

Like many of you, the gym has been a great motivator for me because I can interact with others. If you really get into it, you will find a whole community of super fits that live their lives around the gym. I want to try something a little different even though there have been times when they let me tag along. 😐

Like many digital nomads I live online, work online, shop online, date online, etc. We have need to get out of the house but we have lots of reason to be mobile within our homes as well. Thus, integrating workouts throughout the day is good for one's health and for their overall performance. 
To experiment with this idea I am putting all of my gym memberships on hold. I'm not getting rid of them because there is a good possibility I will return. However, what happens after a month of integrating workouts throughout the day?

Integrating means working out regularly throughout the day using various activities. Weights, Pilates, yoga, HITT cardio, walking, biking, etc... We are not working out, we are moving and using resistance throughout the day. 

My current workout routine for the month includes shorter bursts of....

1. Cardio: Lake and ocean swimming, biking, walking, hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, dance, self-defense, etc. 

2. Muscle: Weights, bands, Pilates, body weight activities, climbing, natural work, etc.

3. Flexibility: Yoga, kickboxing, dance, etc.

In the end I want to see if it is possible to get in or better shape when compared to going to the gym if one works out regularly. I will let you know. 

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