Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The Values Associated with July 4th, Each and Every Day

A very nice video on 4th of July. An excellent show! When I see videos like this I'm very much appreciative of the sacrifices people have made (Even though I have a Muslim sounding name I also made sacrifices. I understand there are some who disagree. ). I also think we have some work to do to create a universal democracy where all of our people are treated with dignity and respect. In our daily lives some are and some are not (Most places are doing what they should be doing, but some are not and don't really have a plan to do the right thing.)

For the most part the vast majority of people do agree upon these values and continue to strive for them every day. The problem we face is there are pockets of people out there who are still mistreating others and seek to create second class rules to ensure them and their groups benefits (They may sometimes not even be conscious and more of a subconscious projection seeking to put other down to raise themselves.). Remember that democracy and our liberties belong to all of us (Not those who given Defacto immunity because they know the right people.)

To them, these freedoms are often seen as a game and a manipulation. A roll of the dice or a card game in which they used our future in wild bets and higher stakes. To me, they are a learning experience on how quickly we can tread down the wrong path if we don't start taking our duties and oaths seriously. 

When you find such systems broken and not functioning in the best interest of society, be polite but also be challenging. It doesn't improve by simply doing nothing and allowing those who misuse these laws continue radically promote a distorted narrative (Or if they have already, simply allowing them a free pass also seems inappropriate. It says a lot if others were aware of inappropriate behaviors. Doing so leads to social learning on who is a second class citizen and who is above the law. i.e. immunity since they started.

Tell the truth and report them to other agencies that have a better grasp of what our Constitution and Bill of Rights actually mean. Don't expect justice, but you should strive for the system to become stronger and better and more able to maximize our human capital for the benefit of everyone. That starts with close system self reflection and making some attempt to fix it. We have an obligation to pass a good democratic flame to the next generation (It wobbled some in the past few years and may of our leaders still don't grasp why all of us are important to our future success. Friends and political donors won't get us there. We need commitment that moves beyond party politics and into evidence based decision making. The sacking of the capital, which could have plunged the U.S. into a major internal turmoil, should be a wake up call as the type of bi-partisan solutions we need. Many in our political positions have begun to walk upon the path of solving problems. I encourage them to keep doing so, even if it upsets a far right or left radical within their party. The idea of democracy and America is more important than their friends or their pocketbooks..)

We should all be working together. Its more important than me, you, the clan, or corruption. Its elemental to democracy (whether we believe it or not.)

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