Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The Role of Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management (A Few Questions to Ask)

Human resource management practices can lead to greater utilization of human capital that results in stronger resources allocation and higher levels of worker output. Whether one is seeking to maximize employees on a group level or national performance level, the same general principles apply. People are people and they are often driven by their inner psychological needs. When we as a country, or organization, we can tap into and maximize those motivations (and rewards) to create high performance organizations that produce real value. 

Did you Say That and Do That? (Know what they are actually saying.)

Consider that each person scans their environment to determine their prospects (subconscious environmental scanning matched with one's abilities, histories, and needs). Some may take one route, and some might take another (i.e. higher education, military/public service, skilled trades, the arts) . They come with needs, wants, desires, and all types of inner urges (If you look for dissonance and biometric responses you can find deeper interests. It think you either need to know someone well or be really good at body-para language.). Finding ways to turning individual needs into collective action and outcomes is important. That requires a deeper understanding of the inner human mechanisms.  Human Instincts, Workmanship and Economic Development and The Economic System as an Avenue of Needs Fulfillment

What does Applied Psychology Do?

Take a look at this article that sums up I/O psychology and how that can work in the modern workplace. The Role of Psychology in Human Resource Management Consider how similar we are as a people and how our decisions and choices lead to macro economic outcomes. Our individual motivations, organizations maximize our motivations, and society reaps the benefits through growth and economic reach. 

Ask yourself a few questions:

1. Why is this person engaged in the job? Money, power, resources, meaning, etc. If we know what are their primary motives we can construct pathways to connect. 

2. What is unique about this person's personality and how can they best improve the whole (organization or nation)? People are biologically driven to contribute and if they are not more likely it is an environmental issue. Why inclusion on a societal level is needed. 

3. What are their skill attributes and how do we match that with current operational necessities to improve performance. i.e. emerging or current job fields.

4. What are other interests and skills the person might have which could lead to new avenues of development. Maximizing the whole person over a lifetime.

5. How do we maintain economic/organizational engagement over a long period of time? Finding new interests that appeal to maintain maximum engagement.

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