Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Recall Efforts in Delta County MI. Different Judge to Hear Case

For those who have been watching the local meetings you will find that there is significant amount of commotion around the firing of a prior county commissioner. I suspect there is more to that story but that remains to be seen. The rumor mill is abuzz! (My general advice is to avoid rumors unless you have some factual anchors. Even then, it is best to generally not repeat them unless it is a matter of serious importance to resolve an issue.)

Read the article below and you will get a sense of the changes in the county and the sort of legal maneuvering that is occurring. Some residents want a recall and of course there may be some that don't (i.e. supporters) The three commissioners named appear to not want it as well so the courts will be involved. Either way, there is a threshold that has to be met before anything serious gets into play. 

You can read....

New judge to hear county recall appeal

I'm neutral on these issues for the most part. It is a general process that we go through when there are questions and/or people may feel they want different representation. What is more or less interesting, is how quickly this is sort of changing the local landscape and highlighting community expectations. Only time will tell what happens. That is not for or against anyone or anything. If I have a well formed opinion, I will state it. My only opinion at the moment is that solving problems is a good thing.

Turn the page....

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