Friday, July 21, 2023

Ranked: The Top Economies in the World (1980‒2075)

Take a look at the chart and article entitled Ranked: The Top Economies in the World (1980‒2075). If the U.S. is bested it is because our political structure doesn't allow us to work together to solve problems, human capital wasn't maximized, and our investors made a couple pennies at our expense. If we are going to be serious about maintaining our democracy from this generation to the next we probably should start to get moving toward shared goals (Its not as fun as constant arguing but hey its not about those who cause the problems, it is about the next generation and the one after that. If you see people arguing without solving problems, creating shared visions or furthering our collective benefit just do this.... 🤢🤮 US May Out Perform China in 2033 If "American's" Learn to Compromise and Coordinate a National Vision)

Source Visual Capitalist

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