Thursday, July 6, 2023

New Goals and New Things: As we get older and wiser things change.

If your a guy like me you will come to realize you have things you have to give back to society so that we can learn from them and grow. When I think of some of the goals I had in life they were important at the time when I thought of them. However, they don't make you a better person and they give you surface kudus. Buzz love is fleeting. None of that means much at the end of the day. Here were a few things I have sought to achieve and I guess they were important to me. I guess just to me...

1. Obtain degrees.

2. Raise kids

3. Financial stability.

4. Write some books. I learned stuff.

5. Start a small business.

6. etc.

We may obtain some, most or all of our goals, and those are important but are not the whole thing. For people like me, these are much harder struggles because lots of things and people work against you (Not necessarily because they hate you but because they hate the idea of you. We can get more into that later.). Where there are normal behaviors that would be unacceptable in one circumstances becomes increasing acceptable in another. Most are awesome but there are some who are more entitled than others and there are few to no backstops depending on which community you belong.

When I see that these different sort of rules exist for different people, I can accept that in some ways if I had to. I just think its unfair that the rest of us have to accept it so I politely encourage dysfunction to correct itself. So I will likely encourage higher functioning when I see it or I think it would be helpful (That is just my opinion.). Many are likely not interested in hearing a little wisdom from someone who has seen a lot (Its not about Will to Power as our obligations move beyond our own egos.)

The older goals were great and they did a lot of good. Then what?

A few I have...

1. My theory. I guess its something to do and it is a way to give back. (Might be something, might be nothing. Lots of good ideas were in the heap pile and many others never were finished.)

2. Kids and grandkids. Hope to help them out as much as possible. Freedom of religion and freedom of speech were once important. To many they still are. I think we should challenge when they are diminished intentionally. I did my part to preserve I think (I was polite and challenging. Others were something else. Not sure where the confusion is.)

3. Make a contribution. Life is unfair and sometimes systems contribute to that. Encouraging positive change is good. Give people opportunities is a benefit.

4. Realizing that those rewards which society craves may not be that important. 

5. Not really sure. I will let you know when I think of any other goals. .....turn the page.....I will be sharing some deeper insights even though they may not always be wanted. I think I have an obligation more to the next generation then the popular opinions of the day. 

Just remember that life will be what it is and we can influence it and enhance it but it will run its course. Each generation does their part. Even without knowing it, when I look back I see those silly goals, of which are not complete, are a contributing factor to a better society. We are just doing what we are designed to do and each generation builds upon the lessons learned and mastered through previous generations. 

I found something on the topic of writing goals. Writing about personal goals and plans regardless of goal type boosts academic performance

(Wait to judge my writings. I'm not completely incompetent. ...and just in case your wondering. I also try and turn lemonade from lemons. I think I have always been like that.)


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