Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Military Recruitment and Marketing's Influence

Reading through the news this AM and I come across an article in Bloomsburg on the volunteer military. What I find interesting is that younger people are difficult to recruit then they were in the past. While I can understand the desire to make more money and those types of things, I do believe the youth will find service of this type more important when they have a better understanding of it. The signaling and messages may be off, but I think it can be fixed. 

Marketing attracts different types of people based on conscious and subconscious priming. For example, guys/gals busting down doors is one type and a sense of belonging is another. Many of our youth may be interested in the later more than the former. Yet each has its benefit in attracting the diversity from guys/gals busting down doors to cyberwarriors that are needed. 

Alas, the article.....

US Military’s Recruiting Woes Are a National-Security Crisis

Check out this video below. I would be curious if the different type of demographics from each advertisement is being tracked and how one might coordinate that for a total mix of recruits for various roles. Following that train of thought, it is also possible to create/recruit units based on psychodemographic characteristics that lead to higher performance and longer term retention. You can read something on recruitment trends HERE.

Marketing can do all types of wonder things when needed. Think of what the core message is in this recruitment video and how we can take that basic need and find new was of displaying and attracting specific talent through a deeper value set calling. Anyway, I'm a supporter of the Military not only for what it does but what it stands for.....

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