Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Lap Swimming in the Great Lakes (A Video on Technique)

Swimming is one of the best fitness and cardio sports. I have swam a lot in my life and used to go back and forth for an hour at a time in the pool. Similarly, I also have swam in the ocean and in fresh water. Despite being a pretty good swimmer there is always room for improvement. 

(I once almost drowned in the ocean from pushing myself and having an issue with getting enough air due to an infection I wasn't aware of. I looked back and made the choice to swim back to shore instead of the buoy. Good thing I did that. If I went the other way I wouldn't be here today.)

For the most part, I'm trying to improve my fitness and one of the philosophies I adhere is natural and varied activities. 

The other day it was warm so I decided to go jump in a lake with my goggles and start swimming. As a diver I don't always have other divers to go with so swimming and surface diving is helpful. 

Excellent video below....

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