Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Inflation Slowing, Rent is Expensive, and my Latte at Airport Tastes Better

Sometimes it's nice to smell the roses and look at the bright side of modern working life. Inflation is cooling a little, air travel costs are down, unemployment is low, wages are up and for some reason my nonfat latte tastes a little better! (It probably tastes the same but maybe psychologically tastes better.🤔)

As a nation we will continue to need to capitalize on our strengths and hedge our weaknesses. For example, I believe it's possible that inflation can come down with new technology implementation and infrastructure development but wages can also rise based on new learned skill sets that maximize that technology. I'm thinking, increased US advanced manufacturing and intellectual/creative capital.

Let us also consider the commitment by the US and China to avoid decoupling. It helped us realize there are critical industries that are central to US Digital Era Renaissance and that will impact many other industries. If we get those right, it is likely we get many other things right. China will likely try and match but under their own system and perspective (They may lag a little if the US can master its human capital issue. This is why we should be less political and more objective  in a non partisan way. You must have the goals before you can sell them politically. )

Inflation: Consumer prices in June rose at slowest annual rate since March 202

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