Sunday, July 16, 2023

How Universalization of National Identity Leads to National Competitiveness (Human Capital and Socialized Sustainability)

The symbolism of sub rosa learning
Using Philosophical Principles
There are ways to universalize our nation in a way that every American is seen as having value and drawn into active and productive work. While our politicians argue about often minute and generally cultural class type issues there is only one path forward to national strength. Success comes from inclusion from top to bottom that creates a single shared national identity through our root values in a way that leads to human capital development and socialized economic sustainability. 

First, we aren't doing poorly compared to many nations but we are not really maximizing our assets either. We are in a transitional stage between social segregation and universal identity based inclusion. There is a social segregation with different expectations, rules and outcomes that have formed to mark different rule based orders in some places that human capital development (You may also want to read about Human Capital and U.S Innovation as well as the Human Capital Project )

(I was working on this sort of theoretical dribble on economic clusters model for the digital/information age but I was rudely interrupted by hate. 💁 I wonder how many others life paths were also rudely interrupted by lack of opportunity and inclusion rooted in hate. What we could do as a nation if we built our human capital paths to match our investments in technology and infrastructure? Nah...probably dumb idea. 🤔 😬😲🙊💨) .

(That is not all or most places but there is a growing trend of extremism in some locations that can move through different institutions that seek to forcibly control the narrative through violations of freedom speech, freedom of religion, and our Bill of Rights

For example, if we allow a group to enrich off hate and coordinate with like minded homogeneous social networks to exploit others then we are not fulfilling our social contracts in a way that would be reasonable to most objective people (The Welfare Theorem). When we come to understand these behaviors they begin to mirror third world nations that create social learning toward behaviors that shake the bedrock foundations of democracy and its ability to adapt to future challenges.

I like to watch how we deal with corruption and hate because it is a hint to the direction of leadership decision making and the very commitment of such people to a free and fair society that benefits the widest amount of stakeholders. Failure to uphold these values in some localities as to the basics of root universal moral standards and Constitutional assumptions has led to social upheaval in recent years as people come expect increased protection against obvious devious acts.

In a diverse society like the US, we must make a commitment to high ideals of universal values as written officially and unofficially into our culture and institutional mandates to create as much buy in as possible. Having different unwritten rules based on one's race or religion will be a detriment to future viability of the system as a single entity that has the potential to draw in different races, faces, from different places 

(One could also make an argument that universal application of the laws at home leads to universal cultural influences that will likely improve our global appeal economically, politically, militarily and civically. Human rights is very important to our success and shouldn't be shunned simply because someone is navigating feelings of inadequacy that banks on race/religion as proof to their superiority.) 

Every great team hedges its assets and avoids converting them into detriments. At the end of the day, beyond technology and infrastructure the single universal society based on shared national identity and fair application of laws and opportunities is central to long term success. This is why I encourage broad based human capital development by creating an enriching environment through institutional commitment to our central universal American values.

If you doubt that we have two different perception of society just step out of your homogeneous ethnic and religious groups to gain a better perspective. How does one sell something to others in which you cannot see yourself at this moment even though failure to align our national image may increasingly become highlighted as a major problem for our nation? The truth is that without leadership commitment to words like truth, indivisible people, liberty, justice and faithfulness to our constitutional protections we will continue to experience social upheaval (i.e. civil rights riots, capital riots, etc.). It's sociology and not politics and has been seen in other places/nations.

I have seen local systems default without correction in a way that has encouraged a social segregationist mindset to embed itself in certain social groups (i.e. the clan). Loyalty to our American values seems low where homogenous ethnic-religious based clan influence systems exist. There is no such thing as a free pass as people learn from the proof in pudding outcomes. I as a light R will continue to encourage a single society and wish our leaders would do the same (Bi-partisan efforts based on singular focus is needed. If you can't do that your not really a politician and more of a divisionary self enricher that seeks to exploit our futures.). 

(Some leaders will and some wont. As each of our political, of which that is only one type, begin to via for power they often pit people against each other instead of focusing on what is good and makes sense. Politics should sell good ideas that are discovered through rational and scientific thought. It should not try and create policy as an afterthought to political hype.)

I positively and politely stand for a stronger system. Not all can say the same when other interests take precedence. Our kids should live in a free society and have the same value assumptions and opportunities as those who have an entitled perception of laws and social contracts. I will encourage our nation to continue to grow and develop in every way it can because its important for our shared futures both here as an American people but also as a leader in a wider international network of democracies (and non democracies). We should never encourage lower order values to supersede higher order values.

 (This study hints at universal pro-growth values that relate to societal development. Relations Among Higher Order Values Around the World. You may also be interested in understanding how certain values can relate on an individual level that I suspect could impact collective values as a shared common cultural attribute. The Cross-National Invariance Properties of a New Scale to Measure 19 Basic Human Values: A Test Across Eight Countries. Pay attention to the Figure 1 and ask yourself what goal directed behaviors focus more on say self-transcendence versus self enhancement? The same can be said for words, policies, leadership influence, etc. because each as a deeper root goal.)

(We often call these goal directed behaviors artifacts of behavior. Artifacts of behavior can be understood. It is the seed at the core of a person and one's race, religion, wealth, nation, etc. doesn't influence it because its woven into us as a species carried from generation to generation. These are the things that make us distinctly human and change slowly like evolution because they are designed to tie us together for survival. A poem that relates to a similar concept. A Cottage of a Thousand Years.)

There are other studies, but these were two I found quickly. Look over the horizon type inclusive win-win thinking is different when compared to protectionist dominance type win-lose behaviors. Think about which leads to the highest outcomes in the long run. Forget the short bumps. To me science is a narrative of logic that leads to new perspectives. That new perspective is deeper insight)

We have some self reflection to do about our past elections and behaviors and should truly think about the growth and enhancement of our ideals as a better path forward. Personally, I think this bias allowed an unfettered hand to what should have been seen as immoral and not in alignment with the law or our higher values. If the local system failed to see or correct I will take second class citizenship as a badge of patriotism. There are probably millions of other Americans who feel the same and have experienced similar things.  There is nothing free in the free pass system even though the immediate consequences fall on the heads of the victims of such thinking. I prefer to focus on the loftiness of liberty and not that which the pilgrims fled.

P.S. I see four avenues our youth can use to enhance their skills in no particular order 1. higher education/skills training, 2. Military/Volunteering/Public Service and 3. starting a business and 4. the arts and its contribution to business and transcending our shared values. What you do with it after that is up to their specific developmental life choices Hopefully, our leaders build the right environment for maximum growth for our youth across the nation. Assuming it is about the next generation and our country versus their political benefit Let us see what happens........turn page.........

*These are articles that help us learn and are reflective teaching purposes. If you learned something then that is great. They are a form of online learning and story telling. One can accept or reject as they see fit. There is nothing true or inherently false within the writing but only a perception of possible perspective. You can define yours by comparing them to others. We do so as individuals and as a society known as socialized economic sustainability that is rooted in our implicit and explicit cultural artifacts.  

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