Thursday, July 13, 2023

Harvard Professor Claims to Have Found Alien Technology

A professor, and team, from Harvard believe they have found remnants of alien technology. I believe its wise to be open to all the possibilities of which one is alien technology. We should remember that we do not know all things in the universe and we are limited in perception like many other species (i.e. dogs and hearing is a good example). Thus, we may not know what we do not know. 

What we can say is that the discovery should perk ears as one possible explanation. Because one cannot make a direct observation they are relying on secondary, third and even abstract data based on our current understanding of physics. Be open to it being UAP and be open that its something else. 

Let the data and future research break down the logic of possibilities. There are gaps in that logic that need to be filled by science. Either way, its an interesting find that could lead us down some unique discoveries and paths if true. 

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