Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Global Warming Blamed for Increases in Heat: U.S. Can lead the renewable market.

Global Warming is blamed for the ongoing rash of heat waves experience across the globe. The science is coming out increasingly more clear that we need to live cleaner. The move to more renewable energies is helpful. Phasing out fossil fuels in a way that continues to reduce pollution consistently to stay allow the planet to recuperate is helpful. 

The world is starting to look for solutions. I think new U.S. renewable manufacturing may be able to help. This is why we need to stay on top of the emerging technology fields. Just like medical, the renewable clean energy is going to have a big market and is going to help improve the environment. Win-win.

U.S., European heat waves 'virtually impossible' without climate change, study finds

You may also find that the second largest source of energy in the U.S. is from renewable energy sources according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

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