Saturday, July 1, 2023

General Milley Discusses Innovating the Military: New Technology for New Times

I'm a big supporter of the Military. They have been in field of protecting our nation for centuries. It is a primary place where it doesn't matter your ethnic, racial, or religious background. It has been an avenue for growth and development for human capital consistently ahead of other institutions. To some its a universal right of passage in development (and adventure). Others may have their own opinion but that is mine and when values and behaviors are focused on key principles it is a good thing. That being said read this.....

US military should speed up efforts to modernize its forces, top American general says (The Stars and Stripes is a cool paper.)

We are in a new world and innovation will speed up so it is doubtful most people are going to grasp these changes. (Think of playing Atari versus VR) Thus, staying on top of the tech and military development game is important. We must have the most advanced and mobile force on the planet. That requires a new way of thinking and competing.

I see this as two advance split. One level we want push new industry-military development that can help both (profit and patriotism) as well as ensure our military has the technology to function even when the technology shuts off. High tech with low tech abilities to function as strategic units. Such divergent skills and abilities can also develop off of each other in unique ways.

There is a lot to be learned from understanding both that might not seem initially apparent. Having high tech abilities is essential for beating out other technology and the low tech capabilities lead to adaptable units that understand the essentials of modern warfare. It is a changing and robust field and I suspect it will continue to be in the future as we are always in flux. “No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” Heraclitus)

If someone shuts off the switch (i.e. either physically or through other advanced tech) these units can navigate through it independently if necessary (its a competency). That comes from understanding high tech and low tech environments which are likely going to mirror the types of battles we as a nation are going to engage in with different world actors at different technology development levels. 

Understanding high and low technology also allows one to piece together a creative and divergent thinking style during challenge to find new solutions. Our skills will need to develop in order to ensure that both sets of knowledge can be conceptually blended into excellence (Its just an opinion and idea but there may be many others. See this study on divergent learning in students with high and low creativity. Effects of divergent thinking training on students’ scientific creativity: The impact of individual creative potential and domain knowledge)

You may consider how these skills could change 192. New Skills Required to Compete & Win in the Future Operational Environment. Notice the author brings in lots of new data concepts. Thus, the basic skills recruited, developed and enhance may change. Some of the tools and tactics might change to function at their maximum. That is necessary. Yet the basic values of these institutions will maintain their line of development in a way the puts these tactics in context of cultural connections. See Marking a Point in History, Military Leaders Teach Business Executives, Changing of Military Honor

(What I respect about him is he walked the talk when it was needed. One might agree or disagree but in hindsight for the most part he was on the right side of history. I think he is again and our nation will likely begin to grow and adjust in ways we haven't seen since the last Renaissance. Good men can sometimes be hard to find. That is my opinion. either way...check this video.... We Swear an Oath to the Constitution)

We can train and we can talk about innovation but if we do not have a strong underlining mechanism to do that innovating in a financially stable way we will continuously outstrip our resources. As manufacturing comes back to the U.S. let us build the best environment we can for industry and government to both receive the benefits of innovation investment and development. One sustainable method is to build the supply chain and infrastructure to use focus on military and industry co-development (Think of this as a resource and economies of scale issue. I kind of thought Rapid Innovation Systems would speed up innovation 3 to 4X its current pace under the right environment. I could be wrong but its an idea.)

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