Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Fourth of July is a Time to Remember How to Support Democracy (Avoid Backsliding)

The Fourth of July is a special day where we should remember the sacrifices of our veterans as well as those who support democracy in word and deed everyday. Its the little people that keep democracy supported as much as it is the big battles overseas.  That freedom doesn't exist in every place and every town in the way it is expected by everyone. We can all do our little part in living the practices we profess through encouraging walk the talk behaviors through greater expectation.

The Carnegie Endowment of Internationa Peace wrote an interesting piece on backsliding democracies just in case you don't know what that means. Understanding and Responding to Global Democratic Backsliding

The future danger to our democracy is present and that often happens in our local towns through social connections and Good Old Boy networks that take care of "their own". There are likely many others but I believe this is a place where it is most likely to slide through stubborn un-American principles persisting (I have been debating on the word un and anti Americal. I don't think they are anti because they do believe in freedom as long as it applies to them. The unAmerican part is dropping those values when it comes to others outside their network. i.e. the "outliers" or "outsiders"). These are often defined as the social, religious, racial, lifestyle and cultural similarities that weave them into a homogeneous clan based insider/outsider cultic association. 

Let us discuss a hypothetical situation. We know this is a hypothetical situation because it is seen as generally impossible in modern conventional wisdom. However, let us explore the flight of fancy in it all.....Crazy as it Sounds. 😵

A few people want to enrich themselves off of what would be deemed a minority (Minority or not, it doesn't make a difference in bad behavior but does sort of help determine intent to harm and some of the justifications for such behaviors). The initiators are provided immunity and coaching by close law enforcement friends. When discovered, they double down on helping their clan members enrich themselves and when the *hit hits the fan they rally their wagons to protect themselves (Notice the targets don't have those same local protections.). 

(Unless your dealing with a beach bum you got to imagine someone is going to say "no" and maintain their boundaries. Probably why escalating and corrupt behaviors were the preferred and albeit commonly used tool to silence legitimate criticisms. Also why I believe unaddressed community complaints could be better served by having a 'Concern' button right on the front page with disclaimer that such complaints will be vetted by a third party first i.e. civil rights lawyer, to ensure general compliance with our basic Constitutional rights. There are many other ideas and maybe its a dumb one but what is likely to happen is much more organization of information for future research as well as breaking open what appears to be intentionally closed system that is allowed to carry forward without responsibility to change or serve its mission.)

What would make this sort of more of a bitter pill is that the initiators were given immunity before, coached others on how to be malicious, spread rumors provided justification for harm (and more stuff), escalated their friend network and when it was all over given a wink and nod only to likely have it return at some point in the future (I'm sorry I sometimes go way way out there on a limb! ).

To me, this is a day to remember how easily our democracy can backslide when certain behaviors are encouraged and rewarded in a way that risks the integrity of institutions. The good news is that while these closed systems often are free to engaged in any third world behavior they desire, sometimes these are opportunities for growth. As a people I encourage my fellow Americans to be kind with each other, reach for higher democratic ideals, and be on the watch for corruption and backsliding behaviors that may someday leave our democracy teetering on a free fall (i.e. Capital Riots. I think its called by some tail gaiting)

*Its just a thought experiment so it means nothing really. 
**One way to support policing is to improve tactics, recruiting, and performance. That may also include better mechanisms to deal with community complaints and accountability for inappropriate behaviors.
***One can support democracy through freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Gagging intellectuals through intimidation would be moving in the wrong direction. ...I don't really know...apparently everyone else is the expert. 
**** Proof in pudding is outcome. Right now the outcome appears that misbehavior and maliciousness is more important than doing the right thing. Hypothetically we don't need to do anything because these are impossibilities. Just remember you can't profess something and then not bother to support it. That is what lowers trust. Its normal in human relationships.

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