Thursday, July 27, 2023

Escanaba City Council Regular Meeting (July 20, 2023): Cold Water, Fish Cuisine, Open Committees and the Rise of Thebes in the U.P.

View of Thebes

by Hugh W. William
Representation as a place that has
greater influence then its size.
While watching this super short Escanaba City Council meeting we see governance humming along as the new and improved begins to emerge from its multidecade slumber. A town is in the process of transition and becoming more important than just good food, great outdoor activities and great people! It is becoming reconnected to the global market in a new way.....

(Escanaba is becoming a hot spot investment and vacation destination of the Upper Peninsula.  A type of Thebes emerges from the depths of Bay de Noc waters. A first of its kind.

Just take a mental snap shot of what it looks like today and compare that with say 5 years from now (Maybe it grows, maybe it declines, maybe it stays the same. I think its an undiscovered gem that is on the verge of being discovered. Time will tell if there is something or nothing, because there are lots of steps in between and market factors that come into play. However, I think its recognized as a unique place.)

You can see what these cities can sometimes look like. The Environmental Protection Agency has some information on Smart Growth

 You can read the July 20th, 2023 Escanaba Agenda. I pulled out a few key points to remember.

-Clean Water State Revolving Funds (CWSRF): Just shy of $2 mil. The fund is offered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). With all the new water and sewage improvements I think that our infrastructure is improving. Likewise, we have our own water sources. What would also be nice is to have our own electric generation. i.e. solar or other. 

It takes a little time but things do change. For example, we once had outhouses and now have toilets. Likewise, we used to only clean our dishes with Cold Water but now we have other cleaning options like running water. 🤷

-Need additional board members for various committees. This is a good way for people to really get involved. If you want to improve something, or take an interest in something, go ahead and join up. I think you would call the city hall and say "I'm interested in serving my community and would like to get on one of our open committees." Then ask if they provide free snacks for meetings.

-Bar and fish restaurant selling fresh fish would be nice i.e. fish market and fish restaurant. (Delta County Hedge, Hotel-Marina-Ships)

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