Sunday, June 11, 2023

When does hate become unsafe? How to Fix a System that Lacks Accountability

We talk, our politicians talk, our officials talk, everyone talks and yet hate still exist so we must wonder why it percolates in the backrooms of our social networks.  Disclaimer: when I say I'm against hate that doesn't mean I'm advocating for any particular race, religion, minority, etc. but simply the right to live freely from racial targeting and mistreatment (Financially, socially, employment, etc...). The same goes for freedom to practice any religion one so chooses (These are my deeply conservative Republican values in alignment with our national ideals. I have lots of Democrat friends and they ae just as cool as the Republicans. I don't like extremes on either side and generally feel shy around such opinionated people. I feel a little stupid sometimes because I can never give the right answer and I don't know as much as they do because I keep having too many alternative explanations so I don't understand how they can make large cognitive leaps without any justifications. Its almost a though people in the far right and left skip over logic and science to blind acceptance of whatever they think they can benefit from the most.). Defaults in law, logic, and science should not be ignored in making important decisions. Yet some are promoting divisions on very spotty logic; even violent divisions when it suites their interest (I believe all Americans should be treated as valuable members of society and held to a similarly high standard. No freebees and everyone must be part of the game of nation building based on their God given talents and abilities. Advanced societies will accept this universal value of human life and will in turn develop all of their talent to the best of their abilities. Leaving communities behind is not going to help us function at our best.).

A majority of Americans might feel a sense of unease when rogue extremists leaning groups profess their American purity through comparisons, put downs, rumors, and intentional conflict creation (Which is somewhat dishonest when you look at Native Americans, Blacks, and even Asians which have had some important roles since the beginning but they don't want to recognize them). That unease seems to be in constant flux but in general has made us just uncomfortable enough to contribute to the advancement of society and the freeing of our fellow American people (ending of slavery and segregation. We have an unofficial system of it.).

Yet, when these networks move from discouraged fringe groups to socially and legally sanctioned behaviors we have a problem. Its not officially legal but because of a lack of checks n balances as well as a healthy respect for American oaths, sacrifices and values such behaviors may continue without account. They go on because no one said "no" for fear of social rejection (They are only worried about their group, and others or the outside world do not matter as much. This is why I believe they are in a somewhat distorted social network dominated in part by a few toxic souls. These people saw who is in and who is out and who is going to have rumors and who is going to be rejected. They did me a favor by taking what they talk about in backrooms and spewing it into a wholesale cleansing. A general lesson to take from this is that if it is found out they were lying they wrote a check they couldn't cash.)

Do you remember when officer Goodman lead the Capital Riot extremist down one hallway versus another where the potential execution of Congress was just a doorway away? His value was in his actions, his potential sacrifice to protect democracy, and it had nothing to do with his color or religion or friends (Other then the extra risks of being beat increasingly more severe for not only being the "enemy" of these purity movements but also having skin which is frowned upon in such extremist groups. i.e. noose.) Yes I recognize Officer Goodman is the wrong skin color to be respected by these local hate networks but he was a patriot (Niggar is an occasional word they would use to describe sports players, people from Detroit, and even my kids. Of course we were going to have a break in social behaviors when bullying for demanding my kids boundaries be respected was stated clearly but politely. They went down a long path with their friends to show me and my family what our place in society is through spreading rumors, control, intimidation, defamation of character, rejection of job, encouraging close police friends to target so on and so forth. In the end, they were rewarded by the local system in a way that was disrespectful to the dying and violated their rights to make choices for themselves. It is possible this has occurred before. I wish that this wasn't even possible. It looks like a plausible explanation to a series of events over 4 years.) If you don't know about this officer, you can read about Eugene Goodman in the New York Times. (These officers need to learn from him and not mock our American rights.)

In an act of patriotism (the real kind. 💁) officer Goodman encouraged these mobs to follow him up a staircase to lead them away from our Congressman and Congresswomen. He kept his cool and composure. Groups like this, the one's I have locked horns with, are not people who follow the same laws and rules like the rest of society. They have all types of interesting but not very unique ways of looking at "outsides" through their perceptions of what Americans look like as well those they see as less American than themselves.

Segregation ended in 1963 and there are some who support the return of such official segregation laws when they mock our hard earned rights (This is how people used to talk about segregation and some are still causing this on a social and economic level. George Wallace Segregation Forever Speech.) To many people, we have a two tiered systems that becomes more obvious when people look the other way when moral collapses occur and Federal Law becomes violated in broad daylight. (I have experienced this two system issue and we are in two different worlds and countries on a social and in some cases economic level. Definitely on a law enforcement level and I like cops. Believe it or don't believe it, not a concern of mine. I just don't like crooked cops. Almost every great civil rights leader has talked about these two systems. I advocated for unity most of my life. I think I can prove that from a few key data points/historical pieces.)

60 years ago is not a long time so many of these diseased values exist today in social form in our hometowns! They are there under the surface but impact just about everything from friends all the way over to personal safety (Remember kids were pulled over 2X, we had multiple incidents of coordinated targeting and threatening behaviors that appear to be methods of intimidation.)  Most of the people are so beautiful and I'm in awe of their kindness. Unfortunately, there are others who lack certain empathetic traits and bank on a shadow good old boy system where the laws don't apply and the rules are not followed (Others in the area are talking about these networks, their immunity, and their lack of accountability so it is somewhat of a shared concern on record witnessed in different forms by different people. crazy as it sounds! Ooops! 😕😬🙊💨). 

Here is the issue and I could outline what I believe to be racial, religious, social and financial crimes that should have been investigated and held to account when they first reared their head (They were about getting the "Muslim", and not following good judgement.). Not to mention taking advantage of the sick and ill and putting children in harm's way. I can go into significant depth but am not going to get that far with this post. 

I'm going to say this.... because I believe that not having accountability would be a crime in and of itself I have a responsibility to fulfill my oaths to my nation and to the moral conscience of our people to stand in opposition to these behaviors spreading through a lack of accountability. I would not be a fulling my role in society if I walked away from challenging directly that hate network, their supporters, and those who started it and another person gets hurt (I would own that from cowardice! Judge me all you want, I get it, people understand, we know how it works sometimes. The good news is the justice system is more conscious of itself now and I believe wants to improve.

These behaviors didn't just start over night and against my family and believe in reasonable logic that they have been used as tools in other places, with other people, for different reasons (i.e. I said in prior posts they were already knew they wee immune from any behavior and they knew exactly what they were doing almost as though they were well coordinated and polished in their activities. It looks like we may have one of those hidden extremist/criminal networks that have been accustomed to shadow market behaviors. Hypothetically in this hypothetical situation, if they knew they were committing crimes in a coordinated way then that might even bump it into a category which may lead to an assessment of whether such behaviors was an attempt to use the threat of violence to enforce ones racial and religious viewpoint in favor in the direct financial benefit of people within their clan based social networks. Maybe not? Maybe it doesn't reach that bar. I pray it doesn't because it would be a big mistake on their part for many moral and legal issues.). Yet some of these behaviors look like they have been going on for a while and community complaints look like they have been general ignored . That lack of proper management may might lead to a need for greater outside oversight. I leave that to the experts. (Complaints go back to the same people who have a vested interest in fixing them. Go look for yourself and trace the process. If so I think it would be helpful to have them independently reviewed and vetted before handing them over to the chiefs. They do need them to fix things but sometimes they may be part of the problem. I volunteer if you need someone who has enough knowledge to understand what corruption looks like as well as enough love of cops to not used a training opportunity as a reason to ruin someone's career. There are mistakes and "mistakes". Its the latter that makes highly concerned. ). 

Dealing with aggressive and potentially violent oriented hate based behavior is dangerous and I hope no one has to deal with these issues in any country and any place. To counter this default,  I plan on challenging positively, politely, scientifically, in a way that will help everyone improve in the end. Its about growth and ensuring it neve happens again. We are going to learn about these people, their behaviors, their motivations, and the lack of accountability in what appears from numerous recoded statements and concerns by local citizens as corruption! To not investigate this, means we are derelict in our duties in a way that would be a good sign our Democracy just took a backslide (I actually advocate for the next level of democracy's development which I believe is a universal democracy that comes from a logical line from slavery, segregation, our current transition stage between segregation and universal, and universal democracy where we are all treated as valuable members of society.)

Where there is a will, there is a way! This one is an important one! It strikes at our roots as a people. 

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