Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Orcas Learning to Attack Boats

 If you spend some time on the water you will realize that there is a bigger system at play and that we are part of an eco system. The bio mass that is related to natural animals are declining and our footprint is often over compassing. There will be changes in nature as they learn to adapt through many encounters with humans and of course our equipment. 

What makes these orca to boat attacks interesting is they learned to take out the rudder and learned to stalk the boats off the water. If true, it would be a sign of coordinated territorial protect believed to be from a traumatized orca hit by a boat and caught in a fishing net. She remembers how dangerous we boats can be. Others are learning from her and at some point it appears to be a learned response. (That would be interesting if it was learned by different schools of fish but not necessarily a good thing.)

Lesson, keep your footprint small and be respectful of nature......we live in nature and while we think we are above it, I believe nature has its own intelligence to manage us if we get too environmentally destructive. We share this world, not the masters of it...as we are learning through pollution and other short sighted behaviors we have responsibilities we are not keeping up with.  

Unlike the collective power of nature, we are not the smartest things on the planet. 

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